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Schools can now boast new printers

Getting into the pre-Christmas spirit: Left to right, Albert Steede, Melrindo Caines, Bruce MacKenzie, Warren Stovell, Morgan Lightbourne and Gareth Davies.Photo by Tamell Simons

For students at Whitney Institute Middle and Elliott Primary Schools, Christmas has arrived a bit earlier than expected.

After walking away with the Men?s First Division team title at the ninth annual AF Smith/Xerox Corporate Team Squash Tournament held at Bermuda Squash Racquets Association in Devonshire last week, the victorious team of Melrindo Caines (captain), Stephen Smith, Morgan Lightbourne and Albert Steede helped spread a bit of pre-Christmas goodwill by generously donating their winnings ? two Xerox Personal Laser Printers ? to the two schools during a brief ceremony at the yesterday.

?We just wanted to give something back to the community and we are very thankful for AF Smith for presenting us with these prizes to allow us the opportunity to do this,? said Team Black Rock and Roll skipper Caines.

?This is just another way for sports and sponsors to give something back to the community.?

Present on behalf of the two schools were Whitney Institute deputy principal Gareth Davies and Elliott Primary School teacher Warren Stovell.

?The laser printer will complement our IT initiative wonderfully,? said a gracious Davies.

?And I?m really proud to see these three guys (two of whom are former Whitney students) for thinking about us.?

The school?s state-of-the-art IT initiative helps the modern student disseminate volumes of information from the Internet via a projector.

Stovell, meanwhile, also intends to put the donated printers to immediate and good use.

?We are very much appreciative for receiving these printers,? he said. ?This is something that will be very much beneficial for us.?

Also on hand during yesterday?s short ceremony was AF Smith representative Bruce MacKenzie.

?AF Smith have been a proud sponsor for this great team event for the past nine years,? he said. ?And we are very grateful to the players for deciding to donate their winnings to kids in the community to help tomorrow?s business people today.?