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Sluggo summoned for talks

Dwayne (Sluggo) Leverock?s cricket season hangs in the balance and could likely hinge on the outcome of a meeting between him and some elders of Western Stars Sports Club this evening.

It will truly be a question of ?howzat?? when the experienced all-rounder appears before four senior members of the St. John?s Road organisation.

His summons by letter has originated from the fact that he is seeking to return to his old stomping ground after an intended transfer to Southampton Rangers fell through because of procedural complications.

While the matter has officially been deemed a disciplinary hearing, Leverock has not been charged with anything and club president Cal Blankendal explained it is really more of a ?clear-the-air meeting? given the unusual circumstances.

?A situation like Sluggo?s is not usual. So if someone has decided they are going to play somewhere else and then they come back you have to have a clear-the-air meeting.?

In addition, he noted Leverock?s announcement that he was leaving the city outfit in favour of the West End team was abrupt and therefore further necessitated a meeting to settle things.

?Tomorrow (today) is a formal meeting to sort out the club?s long-term intentions and his also,? said the club chief.

?We want people who want to be there because they really want to be there and not because that?s their only option. Once we find out from him what his intentions are then that will dictate how often he comes into selection.?

However, Blankendal stressed that because no charges have been laid against Leverock ? the popular cricketer is eligible for selection and his omission from Stars? line-up in last weekend?s matches had nothing to do with this issue.

?He has not played because he was not selected by our selection committee. They chose to go with some younger players. It worked out in the first game and they decided to stick with the same team for the second game. You don?t change a winning team.?

He pointed out that, because Leverock?s transfer plans collapsed, the all-rounder started training at St. John?s Road after his team-mates and might now be at a disadvantage.

?He was in between whether he was going to Rangers or not so everyone who started at the beginning have been training longer than him even though he is a senior member.

?He came back after the decision was made that he could not go to Southampton Rangers. If you come to training late then you have to give the opportunity to those who decided from day one that they wanted to be there,? reasoned Blankendal.

Using sporting jargon, the president said the way he sees it Leverock was a ?free agent? and that his seniority and the fact that he had been training with the Bermuda national squad would not entitle him to greater consideration than others.

He noted that the club recognised a need to separate those currently involved in its cricket administration from this situation so it could not be perceived to ?be anything personal?.

As a result, four ?senior club members with cricketing experience? have been asked to step in.

Blankendal said this decision is part of Western Stars? continuing effort to ?deal with stuff in a more professional and business-like manner?.

Leverock ? who has suspended training with the national squad for the time being ? declined comment on his predicament, saying he ?will know what?s happening tomorrow (today)?.