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Social Club pair reap their reward for best season yet

Persistence and perseverance have paid off for two of Social Club?s top cricketers.And as reward for their efforts on the pitch over the summer, all-rounder Jemieko Marshall and medium fast bowler Jaymo Durham have received round trip airline tickets to New York from local travel agents C Travel.

Persistence and perseverance have paid off for two of Social Club?s top cricketers.

And as reward for their efforts on the pitch over the summer, all-rounder Jemieko Marshall and medium fast bowler Jaymo Durham have received round trip airline tickets to New York from local travel agents C Travel.

Durham topped the Social Club bowling with 34 wickets while Marshall scored 319 runs for the season.

The award incentive was the idea of Social Club player/coach Charlie Marshall, who is now expected to have an initial three-year contract with the Premier Division club extended.

In only three seasons in his dual role as player/coach, Marshall has taken the Angle Street club to new heights and transformed them into legitimate cup and league contenders.

?Charlie (Marshall) is constantly trying to find ways of motivating his players, and this is just one of the motivation tools he has used,? stated Social Club cricket manager and chairman Dennis Hart. ?And as you can see, the results and commitment of the guys has benefited the whole team.

This past season saw Social Club finish runners-up to champions Southampton Rangers in the Premier Division limited overs league, runners-up in the Central Counties, and Premier Division KO Cup quarter-finalists.

Opening bowler Durham reckons Social Club have already proven they can compete with the best.

?We just try and let our performances speak for themselves,? he said. ?We are not one of the most recognised names, but collectively we feel we are a strong unit and I think results from the past season reflect that.

?This year we have proven we can compete with the best and feel pretty much that success is in out future ? and that?s our goal.?

Meanwhile, others receiving honourable mentions for their achievements this past season included team trainer Leroy Wilson, batsman Dano Outerbridge and bowlers Kani Darrell, Dean Bean and Jeffrey Tyrell.

Despite finishing the season without winning a major cup title, player/coach Marshall ? Cup Match?s most prolific run getter ? praised his team for finishing second behind champions Rangers in the Premier Division limited overs league.

?I think the guys are working extremely hard, and now you are beginning to see some of the progress being made at Social Club,? said Marshall.