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?The focus now needs to be on the team and not on Clay Smith?s knee?

Clay Smith finally broke his silence over his knee injury, dismissing doubts over his fitness as ?foolhardy? and promising to lead his country to success in the ICC Trophy.

The national skipper?s troublesome knee has been the hot topic around cricket grounds this summer, particularly with Smith sitting out St. David?s? victory over St. George?s on Sunday.

Smith was finally prompted into speaking out on the subject after an announcement on Monday from the Bermuda Cricket Board that he was only going to play a ?reduced programme? domestically and in pre-tournament tour games.

?In terms of my knee, I think the whole thing has been blown out of proportion,? said Smith, who is preparing to play in his fourth ICC Trophy with genuine hopes of qualifying for the World Cup in 2007.

?Last summer when we qualified for the ICC Trophy there was absolutely no talk about my knee and it was in worse shape then and I was limping.

?The focus now needs to be on the team and not on Clay Smith?s knee.?

Smith, whose knee was described as ?the most popular piece of anatomy on the Island? by BCB chief executive Neil Speight on Monday, reiterated that the decision not to play every week in the lead up to Ireland was ?just a precaution?.

?I could play every week if I wanted to but we are just being sensible and taking precautions,? continued Smith, who called for an end to the negativity surrounding the Island?s bid to qualify for the World Cup.

?I know my limits and what I can and can?t do and it is not worth risking it. The most important thing is the ICC Trophy, that is the ultimate prize ? the domestic stuff is just Mickey Mouse compared to playing for your country and it is not worth taking risks when there is so much at stake in Ireland.

?Right now it is a little bit stiff twisting and turning but I could play every week but I?m just being extra cautious.

?I?ve got six weeks of working on the strength in my knee and doing everything I can to make sure I am in the best condition for the ICC

?I have played at this level before and I know what to expect and I have no concerns that I will be able to do a job.?

And Smith hit out at those who believe he is getting preferential treatment or taking a risk with the Island?s success for personal glory.

?I am definitely going to play and I know my knee is going to hold out,? he stated firmly.

?This is all just a precaution to make sure there are no hiccups in Ireland. I?m going to play a big part and I will lead my country from the front.

?If I didn?t think I could do the job, I wouldn?t be going.

?I?m not feeling the pressure because I know I am okay, all this talk is just foolishness. To say I am not ready and that I might break down is just ludicrous.

?I want the focus to go back to the team because this isn?t about me or my knee, this team is bigger than just Clay Smith? this is about the 14 players in the squad.?

Smith also confirmed that he has played a full role in training and has raised his fitness level along with all the other players under the intense preparation regime in past months.

The captain said he was keen to see debate over his fitness and the status of his knee brought to a close so the country could focus on getting behind the team in their attempt to qualify for a first World Cup after so many near misses.

?I am behind the squad 100 percent to go there and make Bermuda proud,? he added.

?This isn?t just about us, this is about inspiring the next generation of cricketers and giving the youth opportunities that we never had.

?I have every faith in all the members of this team. We are all in great condition and will be ready to give everything we have for our country.?

Smith has earmarked the Belco Cup and games against Rangers and St. George?s to get some limited practice and only injury-free big knocks in those games will be enough to silence critics and end the knee debate once and for all.