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There?ll be no Goat for Christmas

Shaun Goater will miss the whole of the festive season after discovering his bruised ribs are in fact a dislocated collarbone.

The veteran Bermudian missed last weekend?s draw with Bradford after the supposed rib injury he picked up in an aerial challenge the previous weekend proved too be too much for him and he broke down in training the day before the game.

But it seems the injury was more serious than first thought and Goater could now be out for weeks.

?Shaun has had this problem for a while now but has played through the pain barrier,? club physio John Stannard told the club?s official website.

?He had felt that he was comfortable to train and play with minor discomfort as he was desperate to not let everyone down.

?I took Shaun to see a specialist and he confirmed that he had a dislocated collarbone, everybody is disappointed no one more than Shaun who is eager to be involved.?

Goater, who has scored just once since September, faces a frustrating time on the sidelines as his side look to arrest a serious slump in form and the former Man City striker will be grovelling with the medical staff to be allowed back into the fray as soon as possible once he recovers in the New Year.

His side currently sit in fifth place in League One after winning eight straight matches and then losing four on the bounce.

Goater picked up the injury jumping for a header 12 days ago, when he was pushed by one opponent into another who was halfway through leaping for a header and the player put his elbow out for leverage which went right into Goater?s chest.

?The medical staff have constantly monitored the situation but in training before last weekend?s game he took a knock and it was the final straw that broke the camel?s ? or should I say Goat?s ? back,? added a whimsical Stannard.