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Top ladies coming in for Match Racing and Gold Cup

The stakes are high for several of the world?s elite female match racing skippers poised to challenge for the 2005 ISAF World Championship, Women?s Match Racing World Championships and qualification to the prestigious King Edward Gold Cup in Hamilton Harbour later this month.

Among the pre-regatta favourites for this year?s event are reigning American champion Sally Barkow, France?s Claire Leroy, Sweden?s Marie Bjorling, Denmark?s Nina Braestrup along with a host of internationally renowned female skippers.

Past champion and local Olympian Paula Lewin will again fly the Island?s banner.

The Virtual Spectator ISAF Women?s Match Racing World Championship, contested for in J24?s, kicks off on Saturday, October 15 along with unseeded Grade three Gold Cup Qualifying match racing in the classic International One Designs (IOD?s).

?To watch the professional Women?s circuit and see the constant display of determination, team play and skill of these top ranked women?s skippers, makes the world championship an honour,? said Douglas L. King, managing director of Virtual Spectator, title sponsors for the event.

?It will be with great pleasure that we welcome the leading ladies of sailing to our shores.?

Royal Bermuda Yacht Club (RBYC) vice commodore Andrew Cox added: ?To have Virtual Spectator, widely recognised across the sporting world, as title sponsor is a major advantage and promotion of this world-class regatta.

?We look forward to working with them in the women?s event and appreciate their participation as presenting sponsor and technology partner of The King Edward VII Gold Cup?

Virtual Spectator are fast becoming an integral partner in Bermudian professional sports development, having been involved in The King Edward VII Gold Cup since 2003.