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Top year for King of White Water

Can anybody find a way to stop Stevie Dickinson?One year after making a clean sweep of top honours in the Comet fleet, Dickinson has managed to extend his reign of dominance over his rivals this summer, taking line honours onboard famed during International Race Week and so far clinching all but one of the fleet?s major regattas ? the Annual Long Distance title which the East End Mini Yacht Club skipper has won the most (14).

Can anybody find a way to stop Stevie Dickinson?

One year after making a clean sweep of top honours in the Comet fleet, Dickinson has managed to extend his reign of dominance over his rivals this summer, taking line honours onboard famed during International Race Week and so far clinching all but one of the fleet?s major regattas ? the Annual Long Distance title which the East End Mini Yacht Club skipper has won the most (14).

And although there has been a gradual and, at times, painstaking changing of the guard, no other skipper ? other than the isolated challenge of perennial rival Rudy Bailey ? has managed to topple the self -proclaimed ?king of white water? from his revered throne.

Dickinson is fresh off clinching the Laurence Stickers Hendrickson regatta with crew Ty Trott. West End Sailboat Club stalwart Gladwin Lambert finished second while Dickinson?s East End stablemate Scott Fox placed a creditable third.

So just what is it that makes this ferocious veteran click? According to Dickinson, it?s the ?passion? to sail.

?I think the passion and determination that I put into the sport continues to pay off. Whenever I?m out there sailing I am in my own little zone. And it?s really beautiful,? explained the two-time US International Comet Championship winner and past Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games silver medallist.

?I possess a tremendous passion for the sport and I love to share my experience with the other skippers to help them get better because if their standards get higher then my standard also raises. So in essence we are all growing together. And that?s what really motivates me to sail. . . sailing with the guys who really want to learn and sail faster.?

And it has been this sort of unselfish approach which has warranted the skipper additional success, whether sailing in Comets or Snipes.

?I started off the season seeking to sail consistently. . . and that?s exactly what I have achieved. I haven?t been out of the top two finishers yet this season and it has been extremely good. My consistency has been there and I hope to maintain it,? he added.

?But hopefully I can start sailing Snipes again because it is a very tactical boat and its renowned world-wide and there are just so many regattas you can compete in (internationally). I have a learned a lot from sailing Snipes and I really enjoy sailing in them and really hope to get back in them again.?

What has been even more impressive this summer is the fact Dickinson has reaped success juggling his crew between Trott and nephew Jahron Dickinson without missing a beat.

?It?s always a plus when you can alternate crew and still maintain a high level of consistency,? he said.

?Ty (Trott) is an exceptional sailor and has easily become one of the best Comet crews on the Island. She handles the boat well and has certainly been a great asset. Actually I have never lost a regatta with her onboard other than the Mid?Winters (this year) when we capsized. So she has been good.?

With the overall fleet continuing to progress in leaps and bounds, Dickinson predicts next season to be even tougher given a challenge can come from anybody in the fleet and not solely from perennial rival Bailey who stripped his opposite number of the Annual Long Distance crown before going overseas to the US and taking line honours in the International Comet Championships.

Since then, however, Bailey has, for varying reasons, seen limited action onboard the blue hull which is .

Dickinson added: ?The competition is very heavy . . . and hot. These guys (rivals) are absorbing knowledge so quickly and always improving and so next season I think they will be even tougher because these guys are really learning how to sail these boats.?

How much Dickinson?s rivals have improved and whether or not they can finally make the big breakthrough remains to be seen ? at least until next spring when the Comet fleet returns to the surf immersed in renewed dreams and aspirations.