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TV viewers miss out on Windies tour

Sorry, cricket fans but nobody is going to see Brian Lara?s ball beating in South Africa on live television.

This confirmation came from Programme Manager of the Bermuda Broadcasting Company (BBC) Darlene Ming who said none of the West Indies away series against the Springboks will be shown here.

This follows the breakdown in negotiations between the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) and SportsMax ? a Jamaica-based division of the St.Lucia company International Media Content ? which has bought the television and radio broadcast rights to the West Indies African tour. However, there was another major issue also.

?As of this point we have absolutely no plans to carry the cricket, unfortunately. We have done so much in the past that it seems extraordinary that we wouldn?t carry it but ? apart from the rights problem ? we do have considerations on delivery.

?Even if we were getting it through the Caribbean delivery system, we have a problem with our own (satellite) dishes as a result of Hurricane Fabian. It?s a double situation for us,? explained Ming.

The BBC, she added, would be getting some ?additional dishes in January at which time our full services can be restored?.

The CMC, which usually negotiates on behalf of regional broadcast entities, failed to reach a collective agreement with SportsMax, leaving various islands to broker separate deals with the company for cricket coverage for matches in Zimbabwe and now South Africa. Most islands in the region have successfully negotiated with SportsMax.