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'We won't let you down'

Everyone involved in tennis in Bermuda should be delighted that the Island's David Cup adventure is back on.

That's the view of captain Steve Bean who is ready to lead his tennis troops into battle in Costa Rica next month and who is adamant that the stop-start nature of the team's participation will not affect performances in the quest for promotion from American Zone Group Four.

While the pages of The Royal Gazette were full of tales of a cash-strapped Bermuda Lawn Tennis Association (BLTA) being unable to send a team to the sport's premier men's team event, Bean, who led the side to promotion in 1997 and 2000, had no such fears.

“There is a part of me which knew, somehow, that we were always going to compete,” said Bean, who took great pleasure in informing the team of Jovan Whitter, James Collieson, Jenson Bascome and newcomer Gavin Manders on Monday that they had been given the green light.

“And it is a wonderful thing that we are going. Every tennis player on the Island, particularly the juniors coming through the ranks, sees the Davis Cup as the ultimate goal.

“This is the event that every serious tennis player strives to take part in - and for Bermuda not to go would have been such a shame.

“The other teams competing in Costa Rica would have been disappointed, the team would have been disappointed and every other tennis player on the Island would have been disappointed.

“This is a wonderful competition and we are determined to make the most of it now we are definitely to compete.”

Bermuda only narrowly missed out on promotion last year as a defeat to the US Virgin Islands - a first loss to that nation - caused a surprise upset on the tournament's final day.

And Bean is confident that amends can be made this year as his side go head-to-head with hosts Costa Rica, Barbados, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, Guatemala and St. Lucia.

“We always have good battles with St. Lucia but we can expect Costa Rica and Guatemala to be strong sides,” continued Bean, who will hand a debut to youngster Gavin Manders, the only one of the squad not currently on the Island.

“Gavin is replacing Ricky Mallory and should be in good shape for us. He is playing in tournaments at the moment and will definitely come in to this match-fit and ready to go.

“He is a very capable player and I have been impressed with his progress. He will be an asset to our team.

“It is going to be a very tight tournament - it always is - and anyone can really beat anyone else. It should be interesting to see how it goes, but I think we will be right up there.

“After all that has gone on, we want to make the most of our opportunity and really justify the faith that sponsors have shown in getting us down there.”

Team members met yesterday to finalise training plans now the team have been given a define nod from backers but Bean reiterated there should be no concerns that the squad will not be prepared.

“As far as we were concerned, we were going and trained accordingly,” Bean added.

“All the players are focussed and ready to give their best for Bermuda in this.”

Thanks to the flexible deadlines of the International Tennis Federation and financial backing from an anonymous BLTA member and the best part of $10,000 from Government, the Davis Cup team will fly out on April 1 for the competition in Heredia, Costa Rica.