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World renowned cricket umpire poised to become WICUA president during local convention

Retired Test umpire Steve Bucknor could become the West Indies Cricket Umpires Association’s (WICUA) newest president during the association’s 24th Bienniel Convention to be held at Grotto Bay hotel next week.

Bucknor, who stood in a record 128 Tests, will be attending the upcoming Convention as part of the Jamaican delegation and has been nominated for president in the general elections which are to be held during four-day event that is being funded by Bermuda Cricket Board.

Next week’s convention, the first of its kind to take place on Bermuda’s shores since 1993, will also see local umpires Richard Austin, Anthony Fubler and Kent Gibbons receive their WICUA badges and certificates during the awards ceremony.

The trio successfully completed the WICUA oral and practical exams last June.

Austin and Fubler were recently appointed to the ICC’s ‘A’ and ‘B’ Panels of Umpires, Bermuda Cricket Umpires Association (BCUA) president Wali Manders confirmed last week.

The WICUA 24th Bienniel Convention will be held June 1-5.

Read more in tomorrow’s Royal Gazette.