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Young stars head off to camp

Bermuda cricket will get a glimpse of its future next week when the Island?s best Under 15 cricketers head to Trinidad for a ten-day training camp.

Whether or not Bermuda has the player resources to sustain its newly elevated status on the international scene could well be answered over the course of five matches against a variety of Trinidadian high schools ? all of which coach Gus Logie has warned will provide the sternest of tests.

Coached by Grant Smith and George Cannonier and led by Somerset allrounder Jordan DeSilva, a 16-strong squad are scheduled to leave for the Caribbean on Thursday, intent on using the experience to prepare for the Under 15 Americas Championship in the summer.

In a similar fashion to the senior national squad, who arrive for their training camp the day after the junior tour finishes on April 8, the Under 15 squad will train and will be housed at the Frank Worrell Development Centre in rural Trinidad.

?It?s an honour to captain my country on this trip,? DeSilva said yesterday.

?We?re really looking forward to it because we?ve been training very hard for a while now and I think we can compete down there.

?I?d like to thank our coaches because without them we would not be the players we are and of course the Board for organising the tour and giving us the chance to go overseas.?