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BFA responds to Best's remarks

The Bermuda Football Association is compelled to respond to inaccurate and a seeming barrage of football rhetoric from some persons who repeatedly use the phrase "in the best interest of football". This time we draw specific reference to one of our honorary vice-presidents, a member of our Technical Committee and a hero too many persons associated with football in Bermuda. We refer to the comments of Mr. Clyde Best as stated in his Mid-Ocean News newspaper column on Friday, September 28.

Let us recap that the BFA has no issue with people expressing their opinion. However, we do take issue with the context of their opinions. The case in point is Clyde's comments as follows:

"There are a number of issues that need to be addressed but our leaders are not here."

Whilst we are flattered that Clyde believes football only operates properly when the president, general secretary and a vice-president are on-island, we are an Executive Council consisting of 13 members who have varying responsibilities as committee chairs and who perform their tasks to the best of their abilities. We do not have a policy of "hand holding" in the BFA and if Clyde is implying that the remaining Executive members are not doing their jobs then he should state that and cease using these ambiguous statements to support his perceived personal issues with the leadership. Additionally, Clyde should identify the issues that he says are not being addressed - something he can do quite easily trough his participation on the Technical Committee.

"Where are they? In China at the Women's World Cup."

Fifa, to which the BFA is a member, is leading the way in developing the game of football around the world. The fact of the matter is that the president was in China for 10 days serving in his capacity as chairman of the Fifa Appeals Committee, an achievement that Clyde should be proud of that a fellow Bermudian has been recognised by the world governing body. Our general secretary and second vice-president were in China for five days attending the Fifa Women's Football Symposium to which Fifa mandated that either the president or general secretary along with our Women's Committee chairperson attend this symposium.

All the delegates to the symposiums from the 208 member countries of FIFA were invited to the Women's World Cup final.

"But it is the same people going on these jaunts all the time."

This sounds like Clyde's attempt to represent the hidden interest of others. The fact of the matter is that Fifa determines the various protocols for travel to their activities. There is also an expectation that the president and general secretary of all Fifa member associations represent their associations at congresses, meetings and symposiums where decisions are made; such was the case in China. Additionally, a number of executive members attend international workshops, congresses and travel with our national teams as head of delegation. In all cases, we believe Bermuda and football are well represented at the highest level.

It is of some interest to note that Clyde has asked the president on various occasions to have him appointed to a Fifa committee so that he can travel to these same events.

"You vote them in and can vote them out."

The public will be pleased to note that the BFA AGM was held last weekend on Saturday, 6 October 2007. The meeting was productive and comprised of information being presented to the clubs by the executive members and the clubs asking questions about various programmes, issues or initiatives. At no time did any club raise an issue of voting out the leadership of the BFA because they participate in Fifa or other world football events or for the manner in which football is run in Bermuda. In fact, the Executive Committee was commended for their administration of football in Bermuda by some clubs as well as by some of the honorary vice-presidents who chose to attend. Clyde did not attend the AGM as he is entitled so to do when he could have raised any concerns. In fact, at the request of the president, the clubs voted a member off the BFA Executive Council because that member was unable to commit any time to the work required of the BFA.

Heroes are heroes because they stand above the "mud and dirt" that only seeks to fragment the organisation to which they associate. In Clyde's case, his words are nothing more than an attempt to discredit and belittle the efforts of those to which he speaks so negatively about. Clyde was selected by the BFA to serve as an honorary vice-president of the BFA and is currently a member of our Technical Committee. Clyde has never come to the BFA office to meet with the "leaders". Instead he takes all his comments to the media with the hopes of undermining the Association.

We have made great strides in trying to raise the profile of football. We developed a Strategic Plan, presented our plan and gained the financial support of Government and other corporate partners. Ever since, some people including Clyde have shown a total lack of support in trying to work the plan. If we are so bad, why hadn't they done such a plan when they were involved? Clyde also criticises the preparation of our national teams when in fact Clyde sits on the BFA Technical Committee, and he has direct responsibility for the decisions on how our teams are to be prepared.

Therefore, if Clyde chooses to make any criticism on this matter, then he has actually criticised himself. We are of the view that his comments to the media about national team preparation whilst he is a member of the Technical Committee are totally inconsistent with his membership on the BFA Technical Committee. Our Executive Members volunteer their time at great sacrifice and the last thing we appreciate is the seemingly sporadic and derogatory remarks from persons such as Clyde. Clyde was celebrated by a number of persons currently sitting on the BFA Executive Council during his football "heyday". It would really be appreciated if Clyde could lift us up rather than spend his time as a hero pulling us apart.

The BFA recommended Clyde to receive the Fifa Order of Merit, which he did receive in 2004. Additionally, the BFA recently named a BFA Legends' Scholarship after Clyde Best. We will be presenting that Scholarship to the recipient on Saturday evening at a special event. Therefore, as you can see, we have strived to honour him and heretofore we have never said a critical or negative thing about Clyde.

Therefore, we invite Clyde to meet with the Executive Council and express his concerns, gain some insight into how some things work, receive pertinent and accurate information and facts and join with us to make football better for all. Of course we remind Clyde of the Fifa slogan "My Game is Fair Play".


President, Bermuda Football Association