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Breaking news: Big Bear retires from Marion Race

Big Bear, the last remaining local yacht in this year’s Marion to Bermuda Race, has retired due to sail damage just miles away from the finish line off St.David’s Lighthouse.

Jonathan Brewin’s 53-foot sloop was within striking distance of claiming line honours later today but was forced to switch her engines on after damaging a sail in 25-30 knot south-southeast winds, a Bermuda Martine Operations Centre duty officer confirmed.

He said: Big Bear withdrew from the race after suffering sail damage in heavy weather. At the time she radioed in she was about 12 hours and less than 70 nautical miles from St.George’s. Everything else onboard is OK.

The Class A entry had remained in pole position after taking over the lead from Class B Crescendo last Saturday.

According to latest reports, Crescendo is now likely to claim both class and overall line honours some time tonight or in the early hours of tomorrow morning.

Three local boats entered in this year’s Marion to Bermuda Race but all failed to go the distance.

Paul Hubbard’s Bermuda Oyster did not start after experiencing mechanical problems before Jonathan Baxter’s Pond Prowler turned on her engines to avoid a lull early in the race.

Brewin’s withdrawal from the race now brings the total of boats having retired from the 645-nautical mile ocean crossing to 13.

A total of 44 of the original 52 boats that registered actually started the race in Buzzard’s Bay, Marion last Friday.