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Dear Sir,Seems like everyone of us can see there is a problem.I would like to offer a solution on cricket and soccer.

Dear Sir,

Seems like everyone of us can see there is a problem.

I would like to offer a solution on cricket and soccer.

Let us first of all look at the possiblity of having a sports academy for players in the age bracket of 15 years to 19 years.

We will be looking at four years of schooling and coaching.

These are the years where we can groom our good players in this age group for our senior teams being ready for that level.

In the sports arena I feel this is where most countries are going.

Just think for four years our best players would be studying, playing and possibly travelling together.

Now not to forget about the younger players.This is where the clubs must play their part. I think the clubs should be taking more interest in developing the pee wees and making sure their grades are up.

I understand some clubs are already addressing these issues which is a good thing.

I hope the administration of the BFA and BCB will think about my solution.

Just trying to help for the love of both sports


Dear Sir,

As a born Bermudian, I find this to be one of the most humiliating and embarrassing situation I've ever (in my damn near 60 years) seen any team flying our flag perform . . .

I'm sure someone who has found themselves sleeping in 'de bushes" is happy to know that "dem girls" took priority over theirs,(and others) dilemmas.

People of Bermuda, we are paying for this.


St. George's