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Teen Maybury handed cricket scholarship

Greg Maybury, pictured with his proud mother, Donna, at yesterda's press conference at which it was announced the teenager would soon be attendending Oakham School in England.

Greg Maybury is to become the latest Bermudian to further his cricketing education abroad when he begins life as a pupil of Oakham School next month.

The talented youngster will follow in the footsteps of national team player Stefan Kelly, who went to Oakham in 2003 and will be attending one of England's University Centres for Cricketing Excellence (UCCE) in Septemb

Like Kelly, Maybury will be helped financially by the Bank of Bermuda Foundation, and only last week received $4,000 from the Government to help towards his training and development.

It is the chance of a lifetime for one of the Island's most promising young cricketers, and he intends to grab it with both hands.

"I am really looking for to this challenge," Maybury said. "They [Oakham] have great coaches with good philosophies and excellent facilities

"I can only get better in the sport as well as in academics, so there is no better place to do these two than in England.

"Being a talented young sportsman in any country always brings its own pressure, for Marbury this will be increased by being just the second person to benefit from the award.

Marbury though doesn't see it that way.

"I would like to thank the Bank of Bermuda and the Bermuda Cricket Board for giving me this opportunity and I want to tell players behind me that there are great opportunities out there for them and they can succeed and do even better then me," he said.

"There is no pressure from the expectations placed on me. I am looking forward to the challenge and the experience I will gain from this exposure.

"I can end up at one of the UCCEs and continue to be a professional cricketer or succeed in the office, whichever I chose.

"Oakham School has an outstanding cricket programme with a first class indoor facility and excellent coaching led by former England cricketers Frank Hayes and David Steele.

Students attending UCCE receive Level Three coaching, access to indoor nets, numerous first class fixtures and healthy competition, as well as quality teaching leading to their undergraduate degree.

On hand for yesterday's momentous occasion were his grandparents, his mother, Director and Secretary of the Bank of Bermuda Foundation, David Lang as well as Sports Minister El James and representatives from the Bermuda Cricket Board (BCB).

A proud mother also said a few words on behalf of her family, who are appreciative of the opportunity Greg is receiving.

"We would like to send out our thanks to all those who played a role in getting Greg this opportunity."We thought this chance would be a bit further down the road but thank you again

."At only 14 years of age, Maybury is an outstanding young opening bowler with the ability to swing the ball either way and plays senior cricket for Somerset CC

"Five years ago the initiative was set up that the board recognised the importance of young players' academics," said the Executive Director of the BCB, Neil Speight. "We were pleased to send our first player, Stefan Kelly, who is currently taking his 'A' levels in the hope of continuing his endeavours and go to one of the UCCEs in England in September.

"Maybury has the opportunity to follow in Stefan's footsteps . . ." Lang said he believed Maybury could be a model for all young cricketers trying to succeed in the sport."He is a testament that young players can both play and do academics at the same time.

He is going to prove, along with Stefan, that players can do both and excel as well."Sports Minister James was not surprised that another candidate had been selected."I would like to thank the Bermuda Foundation for recognising what the Board is doing and encouraging young talent to go and further their skills", he said