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Christmas comes early for golfer's mother

Carol Sims isn’t expecting many Christmas presents this year — because the only one she really wanted has arrived already in the form of her son’s Nationwide Tour card, writes Sam Stevens.

For the entire Sims family, the last week has been a tortuous one, following Michael’s Q-School progress on the Internet.

With the decision taken not to fly to California because of concerns that this would only heap yet more pressure on him, and with the Golf Channel’s television coverage focusing predominantly on the top ten, all they could do was to wait for the online leaderboard to be periodically updated.

Cheering every birdie and groaning aloud whenever a dreaded bogey or worse flashed up on the screen, Q School’s six rounds were an emotional, nerve-shredding rollercoaster ride for all of them — particularly having invested so much time, energy and money into supporting their son’s golfing ambitions.

“It’s difficult to put into words how happy we all are right now,” said Carol Sims yesterday.

“We followed every moment on the Internet and it certainly wasn’t easy. I tried to be sensible and just check every half an hour or so to see how he was getting on, but I’d find myself looking every five minutes.

“His start was the best part for me. He birdied the first three holes and when I turned on the television all of sudden there he was in second place. Obviously there were plenty of ups and downs to come, but that was a very exciting moment.

“The reaction to Mike’s achievement has been incredible and we’ve been taken aback by the interest shown by the whole country. It’s great to see the community coming together in moments like these. There were a whole bunch of people following his progress and the phone was ringing all the time if he was doing well.

“We’re very, very grateful for all that support — as well as the financial assistance of XL and Belmont Hills which has been invaluable to him over the years.

“In general this has not been an easy year for him. He’s not played all that well and he’s been struggling health-wise for a while which is something that nobody really hears about because he doesn’t talk about it that much.

“But for him to play well this week and earn his Tour card is an emotional thing for us. I only got a chance to have a quick conversation with him afterwards because he was receiving so many phone calls. But he’s coming home for Christmas — which we’re all looking forward to. As far as I’m concerned, that’s the best Christmas present a mother could ever have.”