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Football mourns death of top official

The Island’s football community was last night mourning the death of former Bermuda Referees Association (BRA) president, Bermuda Football Association (BFA) vice-president and president of Southampton Rangers Sports Club, Aldwyn Savery.

Savery, who celebrated his 68th birthday last Wednesday, died yesterday afternoon at King Edward VII Hospital following a long illness.

As news of the former top referee’s death spread, tributes began pouring into The Royal Gazette.

“Not only did I lose a colleague, but also a dear friend and a mentor,” commented Honorary BRA member and Bermuda Football Association second vice-president Gregory Grimes.

Grimes had many fond memories, among them attending referees’ courses in England and the USA with his close friend.

“We had a very good working relationship and it was always a pleasure to be around him,” Grimes added.

“And at this difficult moment I would like to send my condolences his family.”

BFA president Larry Mussenden also acknowledged Savery’s death.

“It’s with sadness that the BFA family of football have learned of the passing of Mr. Aldwyn Savery,” he said.

“We express our sincere condolences to the family and would like for them to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers. And we also would like for the football family to think of them in this time of bereavement.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mr. Savery whilst he was on the BFA executive as a vice-president. People will also recall his many years of service as a referee in the local game, and more recently members of the Bermuda Referees Association and the BFA will note that he has been a referee instructor.

“And I do know that the BRA will share this loss.”

Honorary BFA Life Vice-President and former BRA president Charlie Marshall said Savery had made a great contribution to local football, and that the sport had suffered a great loss.

“He did a lot very quietly in his own way to help us all here. He came here (from Trinidad and Tobago) and made a contribution and we are all very grateful for it because it certainly was a sacrifice to his family,” Marshall said.

“He sacrificed his time. I’ve known Aldwyn for quite some time and we’ve done so much together.

“We’ve been away together, attended courses together, lectured together and had many good times at one another’s homes, it’s just amazing.

“I think he’s a great loss to football and football has lost a great friend and a person that was devoted to the game — not only from the administration side of things, but also from the refereeing side. He was constantly trying to recruit new officials and he is going to be sadly missed.”

Though sad over the passing of his mentor, BRA president Anthony Francis said Savery’s legacy would live on.

“The Bermuda Referees Association will miss the man that has been instrumental in raising the quality of refereeing in Bermuda,” Francis said.

“He was also my mentor and of course we will miss him. But we also believe his legacy will live on through all of the people he touched in the referees association.

“And on behalf of all of the members of the BRA our thoughts, condolences and support go out to his family in prayer.”