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Dear Sir,It is quiteclear to me that what the Bermuda national cricket team needs is a new coach. Gus Logie must go. We need a Clevie Wade type to coach this team.Wake up Bermuda Cricket Board! We have a group of talented players at our disposal, and money to boot. Nowhere else in the world would a coach that as had as many failures as Gus Logie has had with this team still have a job coaching the same team.

After we change the coach we need to add Charlie Marshall to the squad. How can we embark on professional cricket in this country, and leave the leading run-scorer for last season out of the line-up?Charlie is one of the best batsmen that Bermuda has ever produced and is in excellent shape. I understand that Charlie was left out of the squad because he does not see eye to eye with the coach, and in fact spoke to the media, or some other nonsense. I am sick and tired of hearing excuse after excuse from Gus Logie after each defeat. And don’t tell me that you can lead a horse to the water but cannot make him drink. What about making him thirsty? In my view Clevie Wade would be right choice for coaching this team at this time in history.

Please note that my request for replacing Gus Logie is not personal. Furthermore I don’t know the gentleman.This is strictly my view after observing the performances of our squad under his leadership. The buck must stop with the coach.


Former Cup Match captain


Editor’s note: <$>For clarity’s sake, Neville T. Darrell is not Neville Darrell, the United Bermuda Party MP for Warwick West.