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Bermuda settle for fourth: Caribbean squash championships

After losing 2-3 to Trinidad and Tobago in Friday's team event, the five-man squad went into a play-off the next day looking to beat Jamaica for third spot.

Championships in Guyana on Saturday.

After losing 2-3 to Trinidad and Tobago in Friday's team event, the five-man squad went into a play-off the next day looking to beat Jamaica for third spot.

That confidence was based on expectations of Island number one Nick Kyme (under-19) and James Stout (under-14) winning their matches and either Daniele Burton (under-19), Michael Stout (under-16) and Andrew Stout (under-12) picking up another.

James and Andrew Stout did their part but Kyme was surprised 1-3 (9-2, 5-9, 5-9, 1-9) by Caribbean number three Johann Soas.

Burton and Michael Stout lost to Anthony Dougall and James Bullock, respectively, 0-3. James Stout then beat Matthew Taylor 3-0 and Andrew Stout defeated 8-year-old Chris Binnie 3-1.

Guyana won the boys title with a 4-1 victory over Trinidad and Tobago.

Bermuda's wins against the latter came from Kyme (9-6, 9-2, 9-3 over Kwame Johnson) and James Stout (9-6, 10-8, 9-0 over Aadil Edoo). Losing were Burton (0-3 to Raul Aimey), Michael Stout (0-3 to Colin Ramasra) and Andrew Stout (0-3 to Allister Van Sertima).