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Best given the boot: Discarded coach hits out at BFA

Clyde Best was yesterday told he was no longer wanted as Bermuda's technical director of soccer -- and he responded by launching a stinging attack on his boss at the Bermuda Football Association.

Best's three-year contract expires next March and he was yesterday told in a brief meeting with BFA president Neville Tyrrell that it would not be renewed.

The decsion comes in the middle of preparations for next year's World Cup and Olympic qualifying campaigns and Best slammed the timing of it.

Best accused Tyrrell of arrogance and of "not being a football person'' and said the president had barely spoken to him during his three-year tenure.

"The meeting started at 12.40 yesterday and by 12.44 it was over,'' said Best, referring to how the news was broken to him by Tyrrell in the presence of BFA general secretary David Sabir. "There was nothing in writing and it was not professional at all.

"He said the coaching committee had recommended that my contract should not be renewed and they were going along with it.

"It's very frustrating because my destiny was in the hands of other people and they are not football people. By that I mean they have never played or coached the game at a high standard.

"I think it's a crazy decision because we are so close to the World Cup. It's certainly not a football decision and that's why we need football people at the BFA.

"I've been fighting the coaching committee for a year. I don't think it's right that a coaching committee should impose on a technical director.'' The committee is headed by chairman Jon Beard and also includes Ivan Smith, Fred Lewis, Rick Richardson, Kenneth Dill, Kevin Grant and Tina Woods.

Best is unsure of whether to stand down immediately or see out the last three months of his contract.

He admitted he and Tyrrell had never seen eye-to-eye and hoped to see the president replaced at the BFA.

"We didn't get on from day one,'' said Best. "But you don't have to like people to work with them. If he put his head around my door to see what was happening at all, it was only once.

"I think he's arrogant and he holds his head up high in the air and he's not my type of person. He's certainly not a football person.

"Now I hope the people of Bermuda have the gaul to do the right thing. People like Mr Tyrrell need to be dug out.

"I've had great back-up guys in Robert (Calderon), Mark (Trott) and Dennis (Brown) and they've done a fantastic job without being paid. Wouldn't you have thought Mr. Tyrrell would at least have sent them a Christmas card? He hasn't even done that.'' Best defended his record and claimed he had been making progress.

"I thought we had something happening. You can't blame me for the state of soccer in this country. To see real improvements take place, it's going to take 10 years, not three or four years. And if the people on the coaching committee knew so much, how come they didn't do it themselves? "To make things happen I needed money. I believe in exposure and games for kids rather than seeing them play on the training pitch all the time.

"Mr. (Leroy) Lewis and myself even went around ourselves to get some sponsorship, so don't let the BFA claim they raise all their own money.'' Mark Trott, co-coach of the under-23 Olympic team, backed Best.

"Bermuda must be the only country in the world where they get rid of a coach with a winning record,'' said Trott.

"I honestly believed that if they were not going to renew his contract for another three years, they would at least have extended it to run through the World Cup campaign.

"My players and I have had a good relationship and rapport with Clyde. They have a great amount of respect for what he achieved in his playing career.

"He has been very helpful to me in really understanding the mentality of players and how to help them prepare in a relaxed atmosphere and when they might be feeling a little nervous.

"He sets out a framework and gives his coaches autonomy to do what they want to get a team prepared.'' Trott added that he and co-coach Dennis Brown and senior team coach Robert Calderon would discuss their next move.

"We the coaching staff are a team and we will stand behind Clyde as a team.

The association may not even want us to stay -- a lot of things could be up in the air.'' Dumped: Technical director Clyde Best, pictured at an under-23 training match last night, reflects on his future after being told his contract with Bermuda Football Association would not be renewed.

Neville Tyrrell: "not a football person'', according to Best.