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Defaults mar final league weekend

umpires failing to show up for the final round of matches.None of the appointed umpires showed for the most important clash at St.

umpires failing to show up for the final round of matches.

None of the appointed umpires showed for the most important clash at St.

John's field where Western Stars were hosting a Cleveland team bidding for a Camel Cup spot for next season.

However, Mansfield Smith and McDonald Swan, whose match at Sea Breeze Oval was won by default by the home team after Social Club failed to show, both reported to St. John's to take over the Stars-Cleveland match.

Two other matches were also defaulted by teams in the bottom half of the standings as Willow Cuts won over Police who failed to show for their match at Royal Naval field while Southampton won by default over Hamilton Parish at Southampton Oval.

Flatts could only manage to field nine men for their final match of the season against Devonshire Rec. who duly won by nine wickets. Just one umpire showed up for the matches between St. George's and Warwick, who only had nine men, Somerset Bridge and Somerset, and St. David's and PHC.

The issue of teams playing short-handed or not showing up at all is likely to be discussed when the Bermuda Cricket Board of Control meets next month to review the season.

Some say the board should consider returning to the Super Eight format as a way to eliminate the problem of defaults late in the season.