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Devonshire derby deadlock

If nothing else both Cougars and Wolves at least accomplished their main goal in this Premier Division game at Devonshire Rec. last night -- to put some distance between themselves and the relegation strugglers Somerset Trojans.

With a point each to show from their efforts, sixth-placed Cougars pulled two points ahead of the west enders while fifth-placed Wolves surged three points ahead of them.

With the focus in soccer this week featured on the Under-17 World Cup a crowd of 450 fans still had some interest in this rivalry which, despite failing to produce any goal, still had its moments of excitement -- albeit during the later stages of the second half.

The first half was largely uneventful and mostly lacklustre.

And clear-cut chances for either were delayed until after 60 minutes when Wolves came close after midfielder Mark Ray's fierce, goal-bound shot from just outside the box was deflected for a corner. Cougars came into the near-miss category after 75 minutes when Mark Smith's free kick from the edge of the box was punched clear by goalkeeper Michael Higgs and player-coach Shawn Smith fired the rebound goalwards only to have it sensationally blocked by Higgs -- then the second rebound was placed inches wide by Kwame Steede.

A minute from time Cougars had midfielder Cory Goddard ejected for a second foul and Wolves responded as the game entered into injury time with Ray sending a thunderous 22-yarder inches over that could have won it for his team.

Midfielder Kurt Butterfield was outstanding for Wolves while left full-back Jeremy DeShields starred for Cougars.