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Harris inspires Teachers victory

Wing Kevin Harris scored two tries and kicked two conversions to help Teachers win the 13th Annual Denton Hurdle Memorial game at Nationals yesterday.

The Reds drew first blood when scrum half Michael Montgomery went blind from the back of a scrum in the opening minutes and carried three would-be tacklers over the try line.

Teachers continued to attack but Rest fly half Phil Heaney was able to clear his lines with a massive kick down the left side of the field. Teachers wing Craig MacIntyre gathered the ball but his pass to full back Heath Robinson went awry allowing Rest wing Gavin Corcoran to scoop up the loose ball and score. Heaney converted to put the Rest in the lead.

The Rest attack gathered momentum and flanker Simon Van de Weg touched down next to put his side further ahead, Heaney adding a second conversion.

However, Teachers replied with a score right from the kick-off when the Rest fumbled. Fly half Scott Correia, lock Ashley Redmond and flanker Noel Capewell combined on the blind side to put MacIntyre over.

The Reds scored first in the second half also through wing Harris following a period of domination. Shortly afterwards he added his second try following a spell of Correia magic.

The Teachers fly half broke across field and eluded a series of Rest defenders before linking up with Harris who finished off the job by sprinting past the defence.

Then occurred the only sour point of the match when Heaney was involved in a scuffle after referee Kim White had blown his whistle. White called Heaney over and, when seemingly ignored, promptly sent the fly half to the showers.

Although the Rest were down to 14 men they seemed to be turning the tide in their favour and Neville Ross was able to capitalise on a mistake in the Teachers defence to score.

But Teachers returned to an attacking role behind a solid display by the forwards and prop Freedom Burrows capped off a fine game with a well deserved try. Harris converted.

Reds skipper Patrick Cooper sealed victory with a well taken try in the dying minutes of the match.