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Ref's resignation: `No need to panic'

over the resignation of a top referee and the threat of more to follow -- joking he will pick up the whistle himself if necessary.

The departure of Richard Knight is something that the Island's Football Association is hoping can be a negative turned into a positive.

While wishing the veteran official best wishes in his retirement at the end of the season, BFA president Tyrrell said he wasn't panicking over fear that Knight's loss -- and the resignation of others rumoured to be pending -- will have a damaging effect on the sport.

"I would like to think those people who have read that Mr. Knight is giving up will say that maybe it's their opportunity to serve football,'' said the president.

"We have been this way before, football will go on. If there is a worst case scenario you may find that I may have to put on the black and white, probably players may not like that, but these things have a way of working themselves out.'' Knight handed in his resignation to the BFA last week without revealing reasons for quitting, his brief letter failing to suggest he had any sort of grievances.

However, there has been speculation that abuse he received from Somerset Trojans' coaching staff recently may have persuaded him to call it a day.

Somerset's assistant coach Gary Mallory was suspended for one year after being found guilty of bringing the game into disrepute, while coach Norbert Simons' case is still pending.

Tyrrell said that he didn't feel that Knight's decision nor that by others could be viewed as a threat.

"I don't think this is being done as any threat, I am sure it is being done in the best interests of Mr. Knight or any other senior referee who had served a long time,'' he said.

"I certainly would like to publicly thank Mr. Knight for all of the time and effort he has put into football. He has put a lot of years in and it is something that has not gone unnoticed. In time a letter will be sent to him thanking him for his services.

"Especially at times when we have been very low on numbers, he is one of those who stuck with it...so we are all very appreciative of that. We wish him well in whatever he intends to do, even if he feels he wishes to withdraw his retirement threat he is welcome back.'' However, Tyrrell said it was cause for concern when someone with Knight's experience bowed out.

"I would be concerned when anyone withdraws their services from football and I don't know of any specific persons who may be indicating this...some people may have decided that their time has expired and if that's the case then I would probably have to say the same things I have said about Mr.

Knight,'' he said.

But he added he was not planning a meeting with BRA President Lyndon Raynor -- who himself said he was considering his future -- to discuss the topic.

"The BRA have direct representation on the BFA as a result of them having a chairman who sits on the executive. That chairman and I are constantly discussing how best to serve the refereeing fraternity...their interest is always channelled through their representation on the executive.''