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7.30 p.m. at the club premises on North Shore. All members are urged to

CRICKET CRI Jack Thompson and Wilbur Pitcher will be the umpires for this weekend's two-day Western Counties final between Somerset Bridge and Willow Cuts.

In the junior Eastern Counties final between St. David's and Bailey's Bay, Eustace Marsh and Ronald O'Hara will be in charge.

GOLF GLF The Bermuda Golf Course Superintendents Association held their first annual staff tournament yesterday at Belmont Golf Club.

The participants were the maintenance staff on the island's golf courses and invited managers of various clubs.

First place prize winners were D.Smith, K.Richardson, Q.Sherlock and D.Chase.

In second place were T.Madeiros, D.Joylews, A.Cannonice and C.Smith. J.Cabral, M.Furtado, G.Mellow and M.Atherden were third place winners.