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AICO's Deshields runs amoke

Saturday in fine style, as they dominated Hamilton Parish in recording a 46-15 win at Bernard Park.

Leading by just three goals at the end of the first quarter and nine at half-time, the AICO women proceeded to explode at both ends of the court after the interval.

They poured in 11 scores in the third quarter and a further 15 in the fourth, while restricting their opponents to just five points the entire half.

Debbie DeShields was her usual lethal self around the net, tallying 35 goals and was assisted by 11 from Liz Stewart, while Tina Paynter and Jadira Harvey scored five and 10 goals respectively for the losers.

Meanwhile, last year's runners-up 7-Up Netts were similarly in an unforgiving mood against Olympic Panthers, rolling to an emphatic 45-12 triumph that placed them on top of the standings by virtue of a superior goal difference over AICO.

Leading the way for Netts was Carolyn Binns with 31 successful attempts. Kim Minors scored six and Denise Perinchief eight to round out the Netts scoring.

A much closer affair witnessed PCC getting into the win column following a tension-filled tussle against Cardinals that ended 29-27.

Cardinals led 6-5 at the end of the first quarter, only to have PCC respond strongly in the second to go ahead 14-10 at the half.

The remainder had PCC just able to do enough to fend off any advances mustered by Cardinals.

Rose Richardson was chief scorer for PCC, shooting 25 goals, while opposite number Nicole DeGraffe spearheaded the Cardinals charge with 17 hard-earned points.

The remaining match had North Village joining the victory parade based on a 29-13 beating of Warwick Redbirds as Nicole Jennings and Nikita Trott scored 21 and eight respectively to secure the win.

Sunday action also had its share of lopsided results as the early-season battles for supremacy continued.

Again the defending champions won big as 7-Up Netts encountered little resistance from league newcomers Cooper and Lines on their way to a 62-7 trouncing.

Each of the Netts shooters exceeded their opponents' team total, with two reaching double figures in scoring. Bismallah Sharrieff (33) and partner Antoinette Williams (21) were constantly on target and Dawnette Smith also chipped in eight for good measure.

Boulevard grabbed their first win, evening their record at 1-1 for the season in getting past AICO 40-17 mainly due to the efforts on attack of Chenita Zuill, who found the range on 26 shots.

She was helped in the scoring department by Dawnette Daniels and Misha Hill, with nine and five goals to their credit.

However, Wolves had no such luck when they fell 28-21 to PCC for their second straight defeat.

The final match resulted in Netts holding onto their unbeaten record through a 35-17 blasting of Running Rebels.