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Another touring team handcuffed by Police

Police recorded their second victory in as many weeks over British Navy opponents, with the men of the HMS Lancaster playing the role of victims in the latest contest at Nationals.

Still, the visitors put up a more spirited fight than the Royal Yacht Britannia last week in crumbling to a 37-5 loss and caused many-a-scare to a Police outfit led by Sean Field.

The game started off with Lancaster's forwards driving well into the Police half and a resulting line-out saw Nick Kershaw rolling off the back of the line and powering through two Police tacklers to give the ship an early 5-0 lead.

Police battled back, pulling to within two points when guest player Pat Jones slotted a penalty kick -- given for off-side -- between the uprights.

From the kick-off another penalty resulted deep in Police territory.

Quick thinking by Field had him take a quick tap penalty which resulted in Police storming the length of the pitch capped by Tim Fox's spectacular dive over the line, giving Police the lead at 10-5, one they would not relinquish.

Five minutes later Jones extended the advantage through the use of his boot, making for a 13-5 halftime score.

Lancaster dominated play for much of the second half, utilising strong forward play and great support among the backs.

Only stern Police defence led by Timothy Winkleman and Fox prevented the Navy boys from going over.

The intense pressure by the ship finally paid off with a converted penalty kick by Sean Childs reducing deficit to 10-8.

The final whistle had Police sighing in relief after a tough struggle.