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Big plans for Bermuda

And in three weeks, training camp will be launched for the national squad with Bermuda's top players looking for a spot on that team that will head to Trinidad for the tournament. Bermuda won the tournament in 1981,

Rugby Championships in November.

And in three weeks, training camp will be launched for the national squad with Bermuda's top players looking for a spot on that team that will head to Trinidad for the tournament. Bermuda won the tournament in 1981, the last year a local squad were sent to the championships.

The national squad will also be training for a visit by the Glasgow Academicals team in September.

The newly-elected officers of the Bermuda Rugby Football Union will be meeting on Monday night with the Caribbean tour and Glasgow games high on the agenda.

Peter Borland was elected president of the BRFU at the annual general meeting with John Williams elected as vice-president for the coming year.

Re-elected as treasurer, secretary, public relations officer and patrons secretary respectively were Danny Forsythe, David Cooke, Brian Toms and Fraser Butterworth. Michael Dawson was appointed fixtures secretary.

Also on the agenda will be the match Bermuda will play against the American Eagles next March and the visit from Britain by a qualified coaching instructor this fall to give representatives from Bermuda's rugby teams a chance to participate in an expert intensive course for a week.

"This is the first time we're bringing someone in like this,'' said Toms.

"It's really being used as a means of improving rugby in Bermuda.''