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BLTA plan to hire fulltime director

Two weeks after hosting ten nations in a Davis Cup tournament, Bermuda Lawn Tennis Association yesterday revealed plans to hire a full-time tennis director.

But the decision appeared to catch some Island coaches off-guard. One told The Royal Gazette he was concerned that the BLTA were hiring a national coach from overseas.

Another, Bermuda Davis Cup captain Steve Bean, said yesterday he only heard rumblings last week from other coaches but did not know the extent of the soon-to-be-filled position.

"Coaches need to be made aware of what's happening,'' he suggested.

BLTA president David Lambert said he was surprised by the concerns. "We've been talking about this for two years,'' he said, adding the idea was passed at a BLTA meeting in September. "I don't know why anybody would be upset ... We've had several meetings about this and everyone was very much in favour.'' The position of tennis director will be a one-year contract and should be filled by the end of the year, Lambert said. He added that a similar venture two years ago fell through at the last minute and the BLTA decided that there was still a need to bring in foreign expertise.

But, he vowed: "No one is coming in to take anybody's job.'' "We would never do anything to hurt or jeopardise the structure that has been put in place over the years.'' Calling it a "very ambitious project,'' Lambert said the position was necessary to keep national squads operational year-round, work with physical education teachers at schools where tennis has been established, recommend tournaments to attend and to critique and enhance existing programmes.

"The art of teaching tennis is changing all the time,'' he said.

Lambert, himself a teaching professional, said the new position would not entail going to hotels and taking away students, noting other sports such as soccer and cricket had also hired overseas consultants or advisors.

Informed of this, Bean said: "If someone's coming in to assist, lend a hand and provide expertise, then it's a good idea.'' The would-be tennis director will come from an international background and while there has been some preliminary interest, "We haven't nailed down anyone yet,'' Lambert said.

COURTING TROUBLE -- Debra Darrell, and Bermuda, are 0-2 after yesterday's action at the Fed Cup tournament in the Dominican Republic.