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Hess takes starring role again

International Championship winner, Mark Hess was at it again on Saturday as he emerged victorious at the four-race Becks Light Comet Invitational Championship Regatta for the Canute Lambert Memorial Trophy.

The regatta showcased the talents of several of Bermuda's top sailors from varying classes.

Hess and crew Ann Filbert proved once again that consistency brings championships and after finishing first, second and fifth (twice) for a 73 point total they had claimed yet another.

Olympian Paula Lewin abandoned her Europe Dinghy for the event and sailed well for second overall (113 ), finishing just ahead of veteran Comet campaigner Rudy Bailey (14) and Fitted Dinghy sailor Hugh Watlington (14).

In all, 15 boats entered the waters and Hess threw down the gauntlet immediately, capturing the first race which he led from start to finish.

World International One Design champion Peter Bromby, no doubt still bubbling from receiving the Athlete of the Year Award, shadowed the leader around the course to finish second followed by Stevie Dickinson and Malcolm Smith.

Surprising the fleet in the second race was better known Tornado sailor James McDonald. He showed his versatility and single-minded determination in fighting off a number of challenges and lead changes to cross the line ahead of Bailey and Watlington.

Lewin registered a fourth while that man Hess incurred his worst finish...a fifth.

Race three had Lewin step front and centre to seize first place honours. But she too had to wage battle against the forces of Hess and Bailey -- second and third -- while Elizabeth Walker, of 470s fame, surged all the way from last place following a false start to finish fourth.

The stage was then set for a three-person battle in the final race with Lewin and Bailey the only ones having a remote chance at catching Hess.

Watlington took the early lead but was soon reeled in by the advancing crafts of Smith, Adam Barboza and Dickinson.

Smith eventually won the race, Barboza got second and Dickinson third as Watlington plummeted to fourth.

However, Hess, in fifth, had won the all-important battle -- the one for the championship.

Raymond Lambert, in charge of marketing the event, said that the organisers were quite pleased with the turnout.

"Although there was a bit of a conflict with those unable to attend due commitments to regular Saturday sailing we still had a good fleet,'' said Lambert, part-owner and operator of Windjammer Boats. "It'll be even better next year.''