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Kim fails to advance

Marshall was back in her hotel room making plans to leave San Diego yesterday afternoon having accepted she would fail to qualify for the match-play phase of the prestigious US Women's Amateur Championships at the Country Club of San Diego.

Marshall, who was one of the first players on the course yesterday, having been the last out the day before, could only manage a round of 83 to go with her 84 on the opening day of the two rounds of stroke-play.

And with the top 64 players expected to qualify from scores of about 160 and lower, Marshall accepted that her two round score of 167 would be at least seven strokes too high to make the cut.

"She just had a real rough time with the greens,'' said her father Eddie last night from California.

"They were very fast for her and she just got down on herself. She hit the ball very well from the tee to the green but her putting was terrible. She had 35 putts yesterday and 34 today.'' Marshall had set herself a two-round target of 150 on the par-73 course in order to advance to the next part of the tournament.

"She definitely won't make the cut,'' said her father. "She is very disappointed she won't make the low 64. We're trying to get a flight out tonight.'' Mr Marshall expects half the field to come in at 160 or better, forcing the officials to go even lower than that to determine the best 64 scores for the match-play part of the tournament.

"After yesterday (Monday) 68 players were tied for 80 or under,'' he said.

Among those in with a good chance of qualifying are Kim's teammates at Wake Forest, Stephanie Neil and Victoria Boyson. Neil had rounds of 77 and 73 while Boyson shot 80 and 76.