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New leaders emerged in the Barritt's Sportsmen's League following the latest round of action, with Pembroke Juniors grabbing the top spot.

As former front-runners Buy & Sell crashed there was Juniors picking up the pieces, taking their time in the sun.

Buy & Sell, until now a dominant force throughout the early half of the season, suffered through a role reversal, where they became tortured victims as lightly regarded Warwick Reds rose to defeat them 171 -91 .

Red's Junior White led the onslaught, rolling the third high individual series (573) and fourth high game (224), while no one associated with Buy & Sell were able to get on track.

No such ailments afflicted Juniors, who banished Warwick Whites to oblivion via a 221 -41 beating. Juniors recorded the night's high team series (2,678) and fourth high game (916).

As round two nears, Tools and Equipment maintain a slim lead over Marlboro in the Miller High Life League.

In their last match Marlboro smoked Franklin Travel 261 -31 to edge closer to the leaders. Leon Smith's third high series of 599 led Marlboro to the night's high team game of 983 and co-second high team series of 2,744.

With the help of their third high game of 948 Lite Ice cruised to an easy 21-9 win over Dr. Pepper. Hilton Hayward had the second high game of 224 for the winners while Loddy Holder rolled the top game of 225 for the losers.

Gilbert DeCosta rolled the night's top series of 625 and third high game of 222 to pace Stevedoring Services to a 21-9 win over Team Spirit. Their second high team game of 971 led them to the top team series of 2,825.

ROAD RUNNING RUN The Butterfield & Vallis Minute Maid Road Race (five kilometres) will take place on Sunday, February 5 (9 a.m.), starting and finishing on Woodlands Road.

Entries must be returned to either The Sportseller, The New Winners Edge of The Pro Shop before 4.45 tomorrow.

ATHLETICS ATH The Bermuda Track and Field Association (BTFA) will be holding a track meet at the National Stadium on Saturday.

Registration will take place at 1.15 p.m., with the first event commencing at 2 p.m. A fee of $1 is being asked.

In addition, anyone interested in officiating at the aforementioned meet are asked to report to the back entrance on Roberts Avenue before 1.15 p.m.

SOCCER SOC A pair of benefit matches organised by the parents of Under-23 players awaiting court trials in Miami will take place tonight at PHC Stadium.

The first match (7.00) will feature former national squad players from the 1970s and 80s, while the 8.45 p.m. nightcap has current players taking the pitch, with an East select coached by Andrew Bascome and Danvers Seymour going up against a West side coached by Josef Gooden.