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Parfitt benefit dinner

in the souls of many at St. David's Cricket Club, and particularly one Lionel Cann.

So it came as a `no-brainer' when Parfitt recently fell ill and required surgery that the Islanders simply had to find a way to help the former player.

The current player and management committee member bought Cann's idea of a dinner and dance and so it will be on Saturday (8.30 p.m.), when all cricketers, fans and those just looking for a good time are invited to join in the celebration for a good cause.

"He's the icon of all local bowlers and has had a definite influence on my career,'' said Cann, who was housed in Scotland by Parfitt one summer while he turned out for a local side. "He's opened the door for myself and a lot of others to further ourselves in the game without asking for anything in return.

"He was and remains a part of St. David's and once I heard about it I felt compelled to do something. Because he's done a great deal for Bermuda's cricket and now it's time to return the favour.'' Parfitt, who holds the Cup Match record for most wickets taken at 115, recently had surgery to remove a kidney that was suspected to contain a cancerous tumour.

It turned out that the tumour was benign and Parfitt hopes to be back on the job as a development officer for the Scottish Cricket Union.

"I talked to him last week and he sounded chipper and is up and about again,'' added Cann. "I told him that we were going to have this thing for him and he was very appreciative.''