Sailing protest rejected
End Sailboat Club long distance race has been rejected.
Dickinson had filed a protest against winner Rudy Bailey at the end of the race from St. George's to Dockyard, claiming that Bailey tacked too close to him and forced him to alter his course to avoid a collision.
Dickinson eventually was beaten into second place by Bailey who regarded the protest as being nothing but "whining.'' According to West End Sailboat Club commodore Howard Simmons, the protest committee headed by Richard Kempe on Saturday ruled against Dickinson because he did not "follow strictly to the rules leading to the filing of the protest.'' The rules called for the protest to be handed in within 24 hours of the competition of the race, Dickinson missing the deadline by 48 hours.
Although Dickinson missed the original deadline, Simmons agreed to go ahead and arrange the meeting with the protest committee. However the committee itself decided to stick by the rules.
It is not known if there would be a further appeal by Dickinson or whether there was an allowance for one to be heard. Simmons reckoned that the matter is now concluded.