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Smith back to his winning ways

season by winning the first and third motos during Formula Shell Classic action on Boxing Day at Coney Island.

Smith and Aaron Pace were both making their season debuts, and it was Smith who rode his Kawasaki into first place in the opening race with Pace finishing second and Duprey Joell third.

Pace got revenge in the second when he took his career win total to 124, forcing his rival into second place. Neilson DeGraffe was third. But Smith returned to his winning ways in the final race when he finished ahead of Pace and Joell.

Sean DeSilva won his second trophy race of the season in the 80cc class when he beat Steven Panchaud and Runeko Edwards in the first and second motos.

DeSilva, however, fell at Shell corner in the third race, giving Panchaud the chance to move into first. DeSilva placed third while Edwards was second.

Jamel Hassell continued to shine in his first season in the 125C class, picking up two firsts and a third on a new Yahama he received for Christmas.

Hassell won the first and third motos to secure his second trophy event, while Ali Hatherley finished ahead of brother Mark after recording two seconds and a first. Mark was third, second and third.

The Pee Wee classes saw Brandon DeSilva win the 50s with three firsts while Dwyer Blyden, making his debut, recorded three seconds. Pierre Davis had three firsts in the 80cc class.

In the 60cc, Jekai Brimmer took his moto wins to seven en route to his first overall trophy win when he had two firsts and a third. Aaron Cannonier won the last moto to finish second overall while Gary Cann was third for the day.

The feature race of the day was the old boys invitational, with eight riders from the early 1980s such as Rudy Cann, John (Scrooge) Edness, Chris Shanks, Otis Ingham and Don Basden.

Ingham led the first lap with Edness, Cann, Basden, Andy Laws and Shanks following in that order. At lap three the order was Ingham, Edness, Cann, Derek Iris, Shanks, Basden, Laws and Tracy Tucker. Ingham held on to win the six-lap race with Edness second, Iris third, Cann fourth and Shanks fifth.

Action continued on Sunday with Robbie Smith picking up two more wins and a second in the 125B class while Aaron Pace had a first, second and fourth.

In the 125C, Jamel Hassell was tops with two firsts and a third while Ali Hatherley rode consistenyly for three seconds and brother Mark had two thirds and a first.

Sean DeSilva dominated the 80cc class, winning all three motos while Steven Panchaud had three seconds and Rumeko Edwards three thirds.

Brandon DeSilva had three wins in the Pee Wee 50, while Pierre Davis and Aaron Cannonier did likewise in the Pee Wee 80 and 60cc classes respectively.