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Top junior triathletes Kris Hedges and Jon Herring are to enjoy an all-expenses-paid trip to a training camp in Cancun, Mexico at the beginning

The camp runs for the first ten days of the month and will be followed by an actual triathlon in which both Bermuda youngsters will compete.

The camp has been targeted at smaller nations who have an eye on competing in the triathlon at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia.

A story in Tuesday's Gazette about young triathletes taking part in this Saturday's Chicago Ironkids event omitted the names of three youngsters who will compete in the 7-8 age division -- Adam Petty, Simon Morrison and Sebastian Ball. Hedges, meanwhile, will join Herring and Khomeini Talbot for Sunday's Sprint Triathlon in Chicago.

SAILING SLG Sailor Megan Spurling, who was reported to be suffering from back problems which could have forced her out of the pre-Olympic Cork Regatta in Kingston, Ontario, yesterday moved to clarify her situation.

Spurling said that she had, in fact, been forced to return to Bermuda in order to tend to "personal matters'' and was not injured. She added that she was due to fly back to Canada and rejoin fellow Bermudian Elizabeth Walker yesterday.

SOCCER SOC The Bermuda Football Referees Association will be holding regular physical training for prospective officials at National Stadium on Sundays at 9 a.m.

and Wednesdays at 6 p.m. All are invited to attend with full training gear.

VOLLEYBALL VOL The Bermuda Volleyball Association will be hosting a four-a-side end-of-summer tournament on Saturday at Bernard Park at 9 a.m.

The round robin is exclusively for the A and B division teams that have competed in the Summer League.

CRICKET CRI St. George's Cricket Club will hold their Cup Match prize presentation tomorrow night starting at 9 p.m. Anyone interested in donating prizes for the players should leave them at the club or to call 297-374 after 3.30 to arrange for collection.

SWIMMING SW The Trunk Island swim has been re-scheduled for Sunday, September 17 at the Palmetto Bay Hotel. Entry forms are available at the Sportseller and must be completed by September 15.