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Weight -- 225 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Technician.

"We're looking for some quick ball and if he's at loose head it's important that the relationship and coordination with McNiven and Cooke is right, so we can get good-quality, first-phase ball. He's versatile, he gets around the field, he's very positive in what he does. He's a good leader and people follow him. He gives us strength from that side of the scrimmage.'' David Cooke, 2, hooker: Age -- 31; Height -- Five feet eight inches; Weight -- 170 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Lawyer.

"He has two primary jobs, striking the ball in the scrummage and it's vital that his throwing in the line-outs is accurate. He's an experienced player.

Because he's quite a small hooker he will be very heavily involved in second phase ball.'' Neil Alexander, 3, tight head prop: Age -- 27; Height -- Five feet 11 inches; Weight -- 216 pounds; Club -- Mariners; Occupation -- Computer programmer.

"He's the unluckiest guy in many ways, we're moving him positionally from loose head to tight head and it's not something that he's done a lot of before but we think that's the best balance looking at the players we have available.

He's a joker around the clubhouse, with a nice Scottish sense of humour.'' Danny Cozens, 4, left lock: Age -- 28; Height -- Six feet four inches; Weight -- 250 pounds; Club -- Police; Occupation -- Police officer.

"He's a big man. We have two primary jobs for him, winning the ball at number two in the line-outs and scrummaging very solidly in the second row. If we're all going to be successful we have to get good quality second phase ball and we have to get our second rows there before (the US) to the breakdown, so we're looking for him to do that. Because of his size he is going to be vital.

We're only an inch or two opposite their respective numbers, so we have to do our best to win our ball, but also disrupt their ball in the line-out.'' Ashley Redmond, 5, right lock: Age -- 23; Height -- Six feet four inches; Weight -- 235 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Self-employed.

"One of the younger players, but he's learned a lot over the last 12 months.

He came into the squad as raw talent, but he's maturing. He's learning to curb his temper. He's toned the whole thing down, very focussed on the game and he's maturing in terms of his attitude on the field. He's a good athlete and we look to him to be a stalwart on the side for the next 10 years or so.

Both of our second rows are real characters. There's always a question about why they're doing something. It's a standing joke in the dressing room what Cozens and Redmond will be bickering about next.'' Patrick Cooper, 6, tight flanker: Age -- 24; Height -- Six foot; Weight -- 230 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Civil Engineer.

"We're playing left and right flankers so he's going to have two distinct jobs in the scrummage. On the blind side he's looking to shut down any of the Eagles' short play. On the open side he's looking to get across and tackle their back line and put pressure on them. He's very fast, powerful and aggressive. Were looking for him to be one of our primary tacklers, to disrupt the Eagles offence whenever he can. He's a thinker, he analyses everything that he does. He's very keen on making sure everything is done correctly.'' Sean Field, 7, open flanker: Age -- 28; Height -- Six feet one inch; Weight -- 215 pounds; Club -- Police; Occupation -- Police Detective.

"He'll be playing on the right flank and he has a similar job to Patrick's depending on whether they're open or blind at the time. He's very proud to be vice-captain, very proud to play for his country. He's very motivated and wants the team to do well and he'll be leading the pack on Saturday. So a lot of the calls and things will be coming through him. He's a key person in the pack. There's a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. He's a joker and enjoys all the lighter sides of life. He's a positive influence in training.'' Richard Raistrick, 8, number eight: Age -- 34; Height -- Six feet one inch; Weight -- 200 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation: Teacher.

"He has a wealth of experience. We've got two guys on the flank that we're looking to get to the breakdown, looking to disrupt the Eagles and support our offence. Richard's the one that's going to be between the two. He's going to be making some decisions about when it's time to go in, or when it's time hold. He's very important in the scrummage, making sure that we get good, quality ball. He's a thinker, analyses the game and he's going to be a positive influence in terms of making sure everybody's doing the right thing.

Even though he's not taking on a vice-captain's role in the pack he still tends to be a leader as well. He'll be one of our key communicators. He's very positive about everything he does, very proud to be playing. He's got a sharp sense of humour and will help out if we need to raise morale.'' Andrew Correia, 9, halfback: Age -- 30; Height -- Five feet nine inches; Weight -- 175 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Store manager.

"He's our vital link at scrum half and a lot of calls his responsibility as well, what we're doing at specific times, feeding off Sean in that respect because he'll dictate the initial call and then it's up to Andrew what we'll do after that. He's got a big role to play. If that link isn't right then we can't win the game. He's delighted to be playing, coming back from injury and he's got a point to prove.'' Phil Heaney, 10, outside half: Age -- 34; Height -- Six foot; Weight -- 185 pounds; Club -- Renegades; Occupation -- Accountant.

"The kicking responsibilities are on his shoulders so that's a big responsibility for anybody. He's got to make sure he finds his touch, he's got to make sure he kicks the goals when we get the opportunities to. He's got to do everything well...all kick-offs, all restarts. And we have to do those effectively to be a successful team. He's very calm and level-headed. He's coming back from injury, and didn't prove his fitness until this week, but he's fit and ready. He's got a lot of experience. We're looking at him as a calming influence from outside and in the backs to make the right decisions at the right time.'' Alvin Harvey, 11, left wing, centre: Age -- 31; Height -- Five feet 10 inches; Weight -- 190 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Hotel Inspector.

"He's vital as a motivator on the field and he does it extremely well, that's why he's our captain. He gets the boys together, he gets them clearly focussed. He has incredible pride and passion. He's very proud to be out there as the leader in this game. He's very good in the changing room, motivating players and getting them in the right frame of mind. He tackles aggressively and he runs hard. His responsibilities from a tackling perspective are obviously to try and beat his man whenever he can, but defensively he's got to be very good under the high ball. He's a key man in our success in the past and hopefully our success on Saturday.'' Scott Correia, 12, inside centre: Age -- 34; Height -- Five feet eight inches; Weight -- 170 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Roof specialist.

"A very good player, and an aggressive tackler. He's a good runner with the ball. We're looking at Scott to be one of our playmakers. We know his defence is always solid. Scott just doesn't miss tackles. But in the attack we're looking for him to get beyond their first line of defence and to set things rolling. He's got a good sense of humour, and a Bermudian playing with a lot of pride and passion. He still has all the flair and imagination he had when he was younger. He's invaluable to us.'' Keith Beattie, 13, outside centre: Age -- 27; Height -- Five feet 11 inches; Weight -- 185 pounds; Club -- Mariners; Occupation -- Computer programmer.

"He stepped in to replace Dave Conway and he's a good ball handler, very solid in the tackle. He'll be the man that could be feeding off Scott. In defence his priority is tackling which is very good as well. He's very quick, very strong, always alert for the breakouts. He's a good player.'' Heath (Butch) Robinson, 14, right wing: Age -- 26; Height -- Six feet one inch; Weight -- 186 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Electrician.

"Playing on the right wing, he's very quick and the quickest guy on the field for us. If we get a little bit of space for him he will score for us, no doubt about that. It's absolutely vital that we try to get the ball to him whenever we can when it's right to do so. He's also important defensively. He's worked on fielding the high balls and clearing his defensive lines because that's going to be important. He is a very solid tackler. He's one of our key weapons in offence. If we get him the ball and some space, there's not going to be that many people who can catch him.'' Michael Montgomery, 15, fullback: Age -- 30; Height -- Five feet nine inches; Weight -- 185 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Marketing manager.

"He's very solid at the back and does the basics very well. He kicks well, he tackles well and he fields the ball well and that's what we're expecting him to do Saturday. His number one priority is defence, making sure that we do nothing silly at the back and that we play very basic, but to attack whenever he gets the opportunity.'' RESERVES Ali Nicholl, 16, number eight: Age -- 34; Height -- Six feet three inches; Weight -- 212 pounds; Club -- Renegades; Occupation -- Accountant.

Gareth Davies, 17, scrum half: Age -- 30; Height -- Five feet nine inches; Weight -- 170 pounds; Club -- Police; Occupation -- Police Detective.

Declan O'Laughlin, 18, fly half: Age -- 30; Height -- Six foot; Weight -- 215 pounds; Club -- Mariners; Occupation -- Construction estimator.

Rob Cortez, 19, prop: Age -- 29; Height -- Five feet nine inches; Weight -- 220 pounds; Club -- Mariners; Occupation -- Network analyst.

Terry Walsh, 20, flanker: Age -- 33; Height -- Five feet 11 inches; Weight -- 195 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Telecommunications specialist.

Andre Simons, 21, wing, fullback: Age -- 28; Height -- Five feet 10 inches; Weight -- 165 pounds; Club -- Teachers; Occupation -- Customs officer.

Billy McNiven Sean Field Neil Alexander David Cooke Ashley Redmond Danny Cozens Patrick Cooper Richard Raistrick Andrew Correia Phil Heaney Scott Correia Keith Beattie Heath Robinson Michael Montgomery.