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What next, Dwayne?

be made to allow the professional golfer to compete more beyond the Island's shores.

That assertion was made by Kim Swan after watching his old rival ravage a field containing Bermuda's top pros during the IAS Bermuda Professional Golf Association championship at Mid Ocean Club this week.

Pearman captured his second consecutive title by an astounding 26 strokes.

Following the final round, Swan was asked where he would place the 35-year-old Pearman in relation to the rest of the Island pros.

"Unfortunately, I would prefer to put Dwayne overseas,'' said Swan, who is also president of BPGA. "I think Dwayne is playing good enough golf and I feel it's a waste of talent to be playing here, where, in my opinion, we don't have sufficient tournaments to make people competitive.

"Dwayne is a shot maker, he is shot saver, he's a thinker and I think it's unfortunate. We need to find the resources to help Dwayne get overseas and play professional golf.

"You can't do it on a part time basis. But, if Dwayne, managing his shop and his affairs in Bermuda, can come out and shoot these type of scores here at Mid Ocean, where the world's best compete for the Merrill Lynch, we should find a way to get him overseas. I think he's a great, great player.'' As usual, the issue of why Pearman has not been able to travel more often to tour events revolves around money.

But Swan was adamant that money could become available, whether in the corporate or private sector, and that any investment in Pearman would be a wise one. He noted the high regard many of those already on the tour had for the soft-spoken Bermudian.

"I think Dwayne's talent is equal to that of any person I've played with on the professional tour,'' added Swan, who estimated that one would need in the region of $38,000 for expenses over a six-month period. "I've played the PGA tour I know a lot of my friends are still out there making a living and I know Dwayne has the talent.'' Swan got a chance to watch Pearman up close as his partner at the World Championships last year in Jamaica.

Pearman to try US tourneys "I know talent when I see it and he's got it. I saw it in the World Cup, and I've seen players of world class, who are tour members, look in awe at some of the shots that Dwayne plays.

"Honestly, it hurts me and I've said it for years. This is about the fourth or fifth year I've been singing this song with people who ask me about Dwayne.

I feel he should be playing overseas, he's played there before, he's qualified for Nike events, he's made money on the Canadian tour.'' Still, for Pearman, even if he was able to garner enough funds the decision might not be an easy one, because of several outside factors.

First is his family. Second is his position as the owner/operator of the golf shop at Ocean View.

"I can't just up and go out there and stay full-time because I have the shop and stuff to take care of,'' said Pearman. "Also it's not just me I have to consider, I'd have to discuss it with my wife.

"My goal is to play at least one tour event and qualify. I want to try a couple -- maybe four or five -- this year and hopefully I'll get lucky and get in one.'' Pearman though had little doubt that if everything fell in place and he indeed was able to perform on an everyday basis he would be competitive.

"Those guys (on the tour) play everyday and don't have to worry about carrying any bags or do this and do that on the side, they just play golf and work on their game and have all the best facilities.'' "If I was in that situation I feel I'd do OK.'' Indeed, plans are afoot for Pearman to take part in the Atlanta Classic in May and a Buick event in Westchester, New York, in June.

HOT SHOT -- Dwayne Pearman is so dominant -- as demonstrated by his victory at the BPGA championship this week -- that he should be competing in the US, fellow golfers say.