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Barbados 'poster girl' Griffith returns for another marathon

Carol Griffith when she was the poster girl for the Run Barbados Marathon in 2003. She returned to race the event at the weekend.

Three weeks after completing the Richmond Marathon in Virginia, Bermuda road runner Carol Griffith was back in marathon action in Barbados at the weekend.

It was something of a homecoming for the Warwick athlete, who was pictured as the Run Barbados event's 'poster girl' in 2003 a year after she had run the race and clocked a time of four hours and 33 minutes.

This time she produced an almost identical performance, despite having only three weeks' recovery since her 4.13.01 in the Richmond race.

Griffith finished 48th overall in 4.39.07, having gone through the halfway point in 2.06. She was 13th woman finisher out of 30 and picked up a prize as second Caribbean woman to cross the finish line.

"I'd always thought that I would like to go back and do it again (after running in 2002) but it never worked out. This time as luck would have it, it did work out," she said.

The race was won by Victor Ledger (St. Lucian) in 2.32.29 ahead of former Bermuda International Marathon winner Simon Sawe (Kenya) in 2.33.59. First woman was Kenya's Penina Sawe in 3.13.34.