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Bascome's Boulevard are my tip for the top

New era: Boulevard coach Andrew Bascome (right) with his assistant Richard Todd.

The football season is upon us and just as I did with the cricket season, here are my predictions on who will flourish and who will falter.

This season should bring one of the tightest title races we have witnessed for a long time. Any one of the top five teams could win the league – PHC, Boulevard, Village, Cougars or Dandy Town.

However, this year I feel the team with the edge are Boulevard. They have acquired some key players in Michael Parsons, Dion Stovell and Ajani Gibbons.

This along with the best coaching staff locally in Andrew Bascome and Richard Todd, Boulevard now possess all the necessary tools to win a league title. However, if there is one thing that will hinder them in achieving this goal it would be lack of discipline.

If they can maintain their composure and maturity throughout the season they will be really tough to beat.

Behind them I see PHC and Cougars fighting for second and third place, but due to the addition of Stephen Astwood and a superior fitness level, PHC should prevail.

Cougars have Kwame Steede, a player who is clearly one of, if not the most lethal attacking players around. With his goal scoring ability and Cougars never-say-die attitude they will always be fighting for the title.

In fourth and fifth I see North Village and Dandy Town in a close battle. North Village clearly have the most talented cluster of players on the Island, but their defence has leaked goals like a tub without a plug. However, last weekend saw the return of Damon Edwards and Robert Wilson to the North Village back line and that will surely consolidate things.

Village, like Cougars, also have one of the most potent and effective players on the domestic scene in Ralph Bean jr. If Village are anywhere near the leaders come Christmas time, trust me, they will push for the title because they are known to pour it on in the second half of the season.

Dandy Town on the other hand have the best attacking options on the Island in Antoine Russell, Hayes Wolfe and Raymond Beach.

They will score loads of goals this season, it's just a matter of how many will they give up. If their defence can get it together this team can also push for the title come the final weeks of the season.

This leaves three teams – Hamilton Parish, Devonshire Colts and Southampton Rangers. Who will go down is almost too tough to pick. All three teams have something about them that I admire.

If last week's 4-1 display against Devonshire Colts is anything to go by, then Hamilton Parish should avoid the drop and finish in sixth place. Parish seem to be motivated and they appear to be hungry. That combination will carry them a long way.

That leaves Colts and Rangers to finish in the last two spots, thus getting relegated. However, Colts do have one of the best finishers in the business in Aljame Zuill, but they have found life tough trying to fill the shoes of Shannon Burgess at the centre of their defence. If they are to avoid the drop, Aljame will have to have an exceptional season.

Rangers on the other hand may be the dark horse team to avoid the drop. Any team that can pick up a point against North Village must be doing something right. Although they lack the skills that some of the top teams have, they do not lack the heart and with their commitment and never-say-die attitude they could just avoid the drop.

All in all Bermuda, I think we are in for one stellar season. There is a new administration, which will hopefully take our football to the next level.

We have a new technical director who will surely eliminate the politics that creeps into our sports. The BFA had a referees drive, which should help improve the officiating standards.

Overall, football is heading in the right direction. Let's just hope we can all enjoy a fun-filled entertaining season.

PS: Not to be biased, but if any team wishes to win the FA or the Friendship Trophy, make sure you knock North Village out before they reach National Stadium. Once they are at the Stadium they are simply unbeatable, just ask PHC!