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Going gets tougher over in Hong Kong

World Junior Men's Squash Championships in Hong Kong, losing their first three matches in the team competition.

Switzerland handed them a stinging 3-0 defeat as their three-man team thoroughly outclassed the local trio of Tommy Sherratt, Mel Caines and Chris Darrell. Similar results followed against hosts Hong Kong and Kuwait.

However, whereas Bermuda were never really in the first two matches, some solace was gained from the Kuwait match as they were able to stay in points for long rallies. But, as has been the case over the course of the two-week tournament, the Bermuda boys' inability to finish off points killed their chances.

"The pace and speed has been difficult for them to handle,'' said team spokesman Roger Sherratt. "The standard here is of an extremely high level.

Even our top senior players would really be pushed to win over here.'' Bermuda play against India today but will have to do so without their top player Sherratt, who may be out for the rest of the tournament after pinching a nerve in his back that required treatment. Young Nick Kyme has thus been drafted into the squad as the team's number three player.

Expectations are that they will finish near the bottom of the 24-team tournament with favourites England tipped to win. Canada and Australia are also expected to provide spirited challenges for top honours.

But Sherratt continued to stress that this venture is for the sake of learning and to expose our young players competition at the highest level.

Said Sherratt: "Someone noted to me that Bermuda were at the same level as Hong Kong were eight years ago and now they're hosting the tournament and doing quite well.

"We're trying to build up our team so that hopefully in two years time we'll be much better, have more of a feel for the competition and be able to win some matches.'' Matches contine until Sunday with the Bermuda team due back next Tuesday.

NICK KYME -- In for the injured Tommy Skerratt.