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Gold Mate takes honours

Gold Mate, driven by Nicholas DeCosta, won the two-year-old stakes with Abbe's M&M (Arthur Hurst) second.

Michael Roberts drove Ponder Dawn to a third place finish with Grand Five (Michael DeCosta) fourth. Trotacre Byrd was in top form, winning the three-year-old stakes as owner/driver Robert Lopes guided the talented filly to her fastest time in Bermuda in 1:09.3 and 1:10.1.

Trotacre Byrd beat out Tell Me About It, driven by Chris Wells. Francis DeSilva won the four-year stakes on Runt's Rocket. LA Erma Time (David Lopes) was second while Jennifer Time, driven by Pasal Duckett, was third and Colby Sousa on Crunchtime fourth.

The older ponies were involved in the most exciting races. In heat six, Colin Mello and Miss LL Dane found a hole and overtook two ponies on the inside and went on to win in 1:11.3.

Catch A Fire was a double winner, covering the half-mile track in 1:09.3 and 1:09.1. This aged stallion could be headed for the Free for All.

On hand were Michel and Danielle Allard from Quebec, Canada. Michel is well known in pony harness racing in North America. He drove Championne County and finished second twice.

The New Year programme will run on Sunday.