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PHC get invite to US youth tourney

Shore'' youth soccer tournament hosted by Middletown Soccer Club in New Jersey. The 17 players will be accompanied by three officials -- tour manager Mark Simons, team manager Kathy Jenkins and coach Wendell Furbert. All of the players, except Damian Hatherley and Jahnai Raynor, who went with the under 10 team to Atlanta in 1993 and '95, are on their first overseas tour. Two of the youngsters -- Robert Richardson and Vernon Perinchief -- are from the club's under 12 team. "This is a talented group and the bulk of the group have been together since they were five years old,'' said Furbert yesterday. Of Richardson and Perinchief he added: "I had the opportunity to watch them quite often last season in their team and I was impressed with what I saw. I felt that to expose them to this tournament at this time could only do them good.'' The squad will leave next Thursday and spend a week in New Jersey before returning on September 8. Depending on the number of teams in their age group they will play between four and six round-robin matches. PHC have placed strong emphasis on their youth programme with the pee wees, starting at age five, having 75 boys and girls. "Our youth programme is extremely strong, starting with our pee wee programme which we operate on Saturday mornings at Spice Valley school,'' said Furbert, who is responsible for the under 14s. The team has been training for this tournament up to three times a week for the last six weeks. Three companies, Johnson and Higgins, Esso Bermuda and Sea View Health Club have helped with sponsorship. The tournament is open to teams in and around New Jersey with PHC being the only foreign team.