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Picnic, Pudda and Tit, nicknames suit the person

On a lighter note this week I thought that we'd examine a Bermudian pastime that has been passed on through the ages, namely the penchant for giving nicknames to our colleagues. As I sit and reflect on this I couldn't help but note that several people are immediately identified by just one word.

If you grew up near The Den, you'd certainly know "Sad", "Coe" and "Thommie". Just down the road at Western Stars, there was "Doc", "Pig" "Porky", and "Snake".

Head west and in Silver City where the real Trojans resided, you had " Dirt", "Tricks", "Bumla", and "Bunny". Their arch rivals had a "Sub"," Goat", "Kid" and "Hatchet".

I suspect that we could venture off to any part of the Island and the same would be true. Let's give it a try with just two more venues. Off we go to Devil's Hole and there's a "Manga","Scuttle", and "Pluke". And please if you dare try St. David's, there's a "Pudda", "Fuzzy", "Tit" and "Juice". Of course it's much easier calling out to someone in St. David's, for if your memory defies you, then call the individual "Bill" and that will usually suffice.

Let's test your knowledge as a cricket fan. We are going to provide some names of Cup Match players old and new and see just how many you know. Here goes—-1. Cocky 2. Tuppence 3. Boar 4. Champ 5. Paddy Hearst 6. Jumping Jack 7. Honey Nuts 8. Alf/Sammy Dick 9. Yuk Yuk 10. Pacer.

Now, let's jump into the modern day and try a few and see if you fare just as well. Here goes.

1. Picnic 2. Mallie 3. Pudda 4.Neiro 5. Sluggo 6. Kung 7. Baby D. 8. Doers 9. Sherby and 10. Dulkar

Now, really that was quite easy, and I'd expect most of you to score at least eighty percent and higher.

A quick look at the last name on the first list and you can easily gather how such a moniker was attributed to one, Anthony Edwards.

More interesting though is the question, how did such nicknames come about? Perhaps when you run into some of these folks you can ask them.

In many cases I am sure it will be quite interesting listening. Until such time, like me, you'll be left to wander, what's in the nickname.

By the way, the answers are provided below:

Former players: 1. Alex Steede, 2. Clarence Parfitt, 3. Edward Watson, 4. Alma Hunt, 5. Winston Reid, 6. Robert Hinds 7. Richard Basden 8. Wendell Smith 9. Anthony Trott 10. Anthony Edwards.

Modern dayers include: 1.Rodney Trott,2. Malichai Jones, 3. Justin Pitcher, 4. Janeiro Tucker, 5. Dwayne Leverock 6. Dean Minors 7, Allan Douglas Jnr, 8 Delyone Borden 9. Troy Hall and 10. Chris Foggo.

At the end of the day even some of the greatest sports figures in the world have nicknames, such as "Iron Mike " Tyson, "Sugar Ray" Leonard, Thomas "Hitman" Hearns, Viv "Master Blaster" Richards, Jack "Golden Bear" Nicklaus, to name just a few.

Nicknames are special and something that people tend to remember a person by. They are often thought of merely as a joke and tend to stick with us and in some cases stick with you for life.

I remember as a kid trying to find a nickname for myself and nothing suited me.

I found it funny, but nicknames are something that suits you and it's normally very catchy.

In most cases people remember or know people by their nickname and not their real name, which is strange, but true.

Regardless of the fact the player will be remembered for his ability and what he accomplished, not for his name.

Quote for the week: While batting, to lose patience is to lose the battle.—-Author Unknown.