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Players make last bid for tour place

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Stephen Outerbridge hits out during his innings in the inter-squad match on Saturday, while 9bellow) Justin Pitcher fires down another quick delivery.

Stephen Outerbridge and his team won bragging rights in the national squad after they beat Irving Romaine's side in an inter-squad match at Warren Simons Field on Saturday.

Outerbridge hit an unbeaten 63 in a game that gave the squad their first match practice of the new season.

While little more than a run out, it also gave players the chance to make a final bid for a place on the South Africa and Namibia tour.

The squad is expected to be announced tomorrow, with 14 players due to be picked from the current training squad of 24.

And while Saturday's game was a useful warm-up, it seems unlikely to change the minds of the selectors when it comes to who goes, and who stays.

If the team for next month's Intercontinental Shield game were to be picked today, the following would seem to be the most likely XI of the players available, in batting order:

Chris Foggo, Fiqre Crockwell, Stephen Outerbridge, David Hemp, Irving Romaine, Jekon Edness, Rodney Trott, Justin Pitcher, Malachi Jones, Jordan DeSilva, Stefan Kelly.

Of that starting 11, the most contentious inclusion is that of Irving Romaine, simply because his most recent form has not been great.

However, in a youngish team, Romaine's experience is likely to be invaluable, and he has the ability to get runs when in form.

The bowlers really pick themselves, and although playing just one spinner might be deemed to be a risky approach, playing only three seamers is a far riskier one.

Also, adding Tamauri Tucker , the only other recognised spinner in the squad to the line-up makes the tail far longer than would be sensible.

This all of course depends on the state of the wicket in Windhoek, although given the nature of Southern Hemisphere wickets, it seems safe to assume that it will be fast and bouncy.

Tucker though needs to be included in the squad, if only as back-up for Trott, and so that leaves the rest to fight over the last two places.

Balance will be essential, and another batsman would seem to be necessary. There is no reason to suspect that Regino Smith isn't that man, although Shannon Raynor's efforts at the weekend, when he topped scored for Romaine's side, might well force him into the picture.

Including either of those two would give the coaches the opportunity to change things around in the one-day games by dropping Edness, and bringing in an extra top order batsman, with Foggo keeping wicket.

The unknown in all of this is the form of Stefan Kelly, who hardly covered himself in glory when playing for the national team last year.

A fifth quick bowler would seem to be overkill, and yet Kelly's trevails might make it necessary.

However if not, then a batsman who bowls would seem to be the obvious choice, and so David Lovell might fill that spot.

Possible squad: Foggo, Crockwell, Outerbridge, Hemp, Romaine, Edness, Trott, Pitcher, Jones, DeSilva, Kelly, Tucker, Smith, Hodsoll.