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Richardson voted in as BCB first vice-president

Allan Richardson will assume the first vice president role at the Bermuda Cricket Board (BCB) after he was voted into the position at the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday.

Richardson, who had held the position of second vice president for the last two years, was voted in by the affiliate members and will take over from Gary Fray who resigned from the post in June.

The former Cup Match star will hold the post until next year, with Fray already holding the job for some three years.

However, not to be distracted by the length of his term in charge, Richardson is excited about what the new position will bring, saying that his new and former job go hand in hand.

"I've done a two year stint as second vice president and I am only looking to be a good commodity to the establishment and move through the tiers," Richardson told the Royal Gazette.

"I don't think there were too many differences between being first and second vice president to be quite honest.

"I think the two run hand in hand, so I don't see my duties being any different being the first now instead of the second vice president.

"It just means that in the even that the president can't perform certain functions, I will have to step in to take charge.

"I think it was a natural progression for me to move up. Anyone who joins an organisation should look to progress through the various steps because that way you get a good feel for what it is about.

"It makes you more aware of what's needed and gives you a few new challenges.

"That's what keeps people interested in what they do, the challenges, so I am excited about what lies ahead."

Replacing Richardson as second vice president is new boy Lloyd Fray, who will hold the position for four years while McNeil McGowan will continue his role as the assistant treasurer and secretary.

Calvin Waldron and Terry-Lynn Paynter also held onto their posts as club representatives for another year and will be joined by new representative James Pace.

President of the BCB, Reginald Pearman, added; "I would like to take this time to welcome both Lloyd and James to the Executive Committee and congratulate Allen, McNeil, Cal and Terry-Lynn for being re-elected.

"I am confident that the Executives will continue to build upon the progress we have made to date and to work towards the good of the game in Bermuda."