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Samba skills school on tour of England

Soccer School: Damon Simmons (front) and Mikiel Thomas work on their sprint training under the supervision of Dennis Brown, director of coaching, at the Bermuda Brazilian Soccer School at BAA Field earlier this year.

Students of Bermuda's Brazilian Football School (BBFS) are currently touring the United Kingdom where they are furthering their development both on and off the pitch.

The travelling squad of –29 players, aged between nine and 17, left the Island last Thursday and have already attended the opening day of the Emirates Cup at the Arsenal's Emirates Stadium, which saw Celtic draw with French club Lyon, and the Gunners draw with AC Milan.

It is the second tour the BBFS have organised to the UK and accompanying the players are head of delegation Cal Blankendal, director of coaching Dennis Brown, assistant coach Jermaine Smith and women's trainee coach Jenae Edness.

Blankendal, who has been an integral part of the BBFS set up, believes exposing the youngsters to the professional side of the game will not only enhance their desire and commitment to the game, but to their lives as well.

"This tour is based on providing the youth players and coaches a first-hand experience on what's really required to become a professional athlete (football player)," said Blankendal.

"Secondly, to expand the mindset of our more talented players that being the best or one of the best in Bermuda does not guarantee success, or even access to the international stage.

"BBFS is about providing a path for beginners to the advanced and elite players based on ability and not merely the age of the individual.

In keeping with the school's 100 percent drug free policy, their partners, Bermuda Council Drug-Free Sports, with the consent of parents, tested the entire tour contingent.

The tour party returns to Bermuda next Monday.