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United newest team in league

With a new season comes new ambitions for every team trying to lift silverware in both the Premier and First Division, making a name for themselves in the process.

This season will be full of twists and turns, but a new twist in the tale of local football will be newly formed Island United Soccer Club joining the ranks of the First Division.

Following in the footsteps of BAA, who rejoined the First Division last year, Island United will be looking to rub shoulders with the best in the division, after being granted permission to compete.

Originally a Commercial Division side formed three years, the club are looking to test their abilities on the pitch with the teams in Bermuda's second highest league.

"We had a commercial league side named Island XI when we started the club," said coach Robert 'Red' Thomas.

"We made the mistake of starting in the commercial league thinking we could get promoted and move up into the First Division.

"Therefore, now we want to move up a level and play against quality opponents week in and week out.

"We will be included into the First Division for the first time, thus making it 12 teams."

Starting in a new division isn't always as easy as it seems, yet Thomas assures all that would doubt the impact his side will have this upcoming season, they will be sadly mistaken if they take his charges for granted.

"I always shoot for the moon and if I miss I will be amongst the stars, so what I look for is as long as you work hard, you should be able to reward yourself somewhere.

"I'm not just bringing in some rookies. We have some seasoned players and it is how you apply yourself to the season and accordingly you will be rewarded.

"We will be ambitious because if you're not you won't push yourself.

"We want to go as far as we can in every competition, whether it be in the FA Cup, the Shield or the League, we will go out to win.

"If you think like this, you will have the confidence to do it."

With all the paperwork handed in and stamped for approval, Thomas is now looking to get his side on the pitch and maybe even get a few of his former players returning to bolster their ranks.

"Last season they wouldn't accept us due to our paperwork being put in too late. Because of this, our original team split up and went their seperate ways.

"Some have gone to play for other commercial sides and others have stopped playing altogether.

"If the players that left want to come back then fine, I have a few coming back already. So we will be in good stead for what lies ahead.

"The home pitch will be Garrison field in St. George's, so all that needs to be done now is to put our heads down and get to training in preparation for the season."