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We've turned the corner – says Hot Peppers' Trott

Hamilton Parish midfielder Rodney Trott has backed his team to carry on their winning form when they tackle Boulevard in the Friendship Cup tonight at BAA Field.

The Hot Peppers have won their last two matches in all competitions including a 1-0 win over Cougars and followed that up with their first league win of the season, a 4-3 win over Dandy Town at St. John's Field on Sunday.

Next up for the Parish is a Boulevard side also finding their form and who will be looking to bring their opponents back down to earth in the knockout competition. Parish and Blazers will meet twice this week, with the second match being one for league points at Wellington Oval on Sunday.

Although currently on a high from their victories over two big clubs, Trott was quick to point out that league games are more important to his side than cup competitions, and anything else would be a bonus.

"We can look to upset Boulevard as well but we have a few injuries, and we aren't really too fussy on cups, the further we go the better. Our league position is more important because everyone wants to do well in the league and not get relegated," said Trott. "We play Boulevard on Sunday as well, so we look forward to Sunday more than tonight really.

"But anything can happen, and it will be a chance to give other players an opportunity to showcase their skills who don't normally play."

Hot Peppers have vastly improved since their horrendous performance in an 8-1 drubbing at home at the hands of North Village. Since then, they have buckled down and looked a more focused side, winning two matches on the trot.

Reflecting on Parish's shock win over Hornets, a game in which he got his name on the score sheet, Trott was pleased with the result and said it took a total team effort to get over their early season slump.

"You can see that our hard work in training is finally paying off and it was a deserved victory on our part," said Trott.

"Both teams played well but I thought we had the better play in the game so we deserved the victory. At the beginning of the season it was our fitness that was letting us down because we weren't really getting the numbers out in training that you would like, but now it's coming together since we lost to Village and everyone is working extremely hard.

"It's about togetherness and that loss didn't break our spirits, we are still working for one another right now. We have a good mindset despite that setback, everyone came to training opposed to calling it quits.

"That 8-1 showed us that we need to work harder, come training and keep working hard."

The Friendship match begins at 9 p.m. with Robin Hood and BAA clashing at 7 p.m. in the Shield.