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WindReach athletes set for international bow

(Photo by Glenn Tucker)WindReach athletes Rodger Chasty, Steve Wilson, Livingston Tuzzo, Yushae Simmons and Jamal Bean prepare for a Boccai tournament in Montral at WindReach in Warwick yesterday.

Six para athletes from WindReach leave for Montreal today to compete in their first international Boccia tournament at the Defi Sportif tournament.The squad is a mixed group of individuals of varying ages and with varying disabilities and have all worked hard to prepare for the tournament.The team trains twice weekly and have raised a phenomenal amount of money to cover their expenses as well as those of the caregivers who will accompany each of them — almost $12,000.Athletes making the trek to Canada include Jaime Brangman, Yushae Simmons, Steve Wilson, Livingston Tuzo Back, Jamal Bean, and Roger Chasty.WindReach Adaptive Sports Coordinator Troy Farnsworth is happy to see the team finally competing in international against thousands of athletes from all across the world.“We have six athletes who will be competing in the Boccia competition,” said Farnsworth. “All our athletes will be competing in the individual competition, pairs and team competition.“Approximately $12,000 has been raised to cover costs of airfares, accommodation and everything else.”Boccia, the sport the athletes will be participating in, can be played by individuals, pairs, or teams of three and all events are mixed gender.The aim of the game is to throw leather balls — coloured red or blue as close as they can to a white target ball, or jack.Approximately 4,000 athletes will compete in 13 different sports from 20 countries, with all of the athletes competing having a disability.Competition begins April 26 and runs to the 29th with events taking place everyday.Farnsworth doesn’t have any expectations on the group apart from enjoying the moment and opportunity to mix and mingle with the other athletes that will be competing in a wide ranges of events.“Competing in their first international tournament is a major accomplishment for our athletes. We have a lot of talent in our team and I know they have been training really hard and will all do their best which is all we can ask for,” he said. “We know the standard of competition will be high but I’m sure our athletes will put up some excellent competition and make Bermuda proud.“I’m sure the overall experience will be incredible and inspire our athletes even more.“Hopefully this a stepping stone to more international tournaments in the future and I know some of our athletes already have their sights set on the Paralympics in four years time in Brazil.“The team and their caregivers would also like to thank the Bermuda Paralympic Association, The National Office for Seniors and Physically Challenged, Butterfield and Vallis, and everyone in the community who have generously supported their fundraising efforts.”WindReach is unique in that it offers a variety of therapeutic and educational experiences for persons of all physical and intellectual abilities.The WindReach facilities are used by those with a wide range of abilities and special needs, including Bermuda’s growing senior population.Some of the visitors are recovering from injuries that have left them temporarily or permanently disabled.